Sorrowfall Elf Ethnicity in Vashald | World Anvil
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Sorrowfall Elf

Sorrowfall Elves are connected to the magical energy of the Ocean. Their skin color includes a light blue, which shades off into white and darker blue colors with some having fin-like features. The garments of Sea Elves appear to be skin-tight with a very little tailing off. As they are creatures attuned to the power of the ocean, this is extremely useful, as the excess material would only slow them down underwater. The former city states of the Sorrowfall Elves used to be as ancient and powerful as those of their land-dwelling High Elven cousins. Sea Elves have long since disappeared, their last stronghold vanishing, deep within the Sea of Sorrows from unknown causes.


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Exploration   Freedom   Magic   Pleasure   Water

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