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Shamanistic Magic

Thaal Shamanism   You have made a pact with one of the nature spirits, called the Aspects. Each Aspect offers its own gifts and boons.   You choose your Aspect when you take your 1st level in this class.   Expanded Spell List   1st-level Shaman feature   The Aspects let choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you, depending on the Aspect chosen.   Aspect of the Forest Expanded Spells   Spell Level   1st: ensnaring strike, goodberry   2nd: pass without trace, spike growth   3rd: plant growth, speak with plants   4th: grasping vine, guardian of nature   5th: awaken, tree stride     Aspect of the Mountain Expanded Spells   Spell Level   1st: burning hands, earth tremor   2nd: earthen grasp, heat metal   3rd: erupting earth, meld into stone   4th: fire shield, stone shape   5th: immolation, transmute stone     Aspect of the Sea Expanded Spells   Spell Level   1st: fog cloud, ice knife   2nd: binding ice, blur   3rd: tidal wave, water breathing   4th: control water, watery sphere   5th: cone of cold, maelstrom     Aspect of the Storm Expanded Spells   Spell Level   1st: thunderwave, zephyr strike   2nd: gust of wind, levitate   3rd: call lightning, sleet storm   4th: ice storm, storm sphere   5th: control winds, destructive wave (replace radiant or necrotic damage with lightning or cold)     Aspect's Fury   1st-level Shaman feature   When you use the spell eldritch blast, it does not deal force damage. You instead choose a damage type at the time of casting. The type options are based on your chosen aspect.   Forest: Piercing (Thorns and spikes) or poison (deadly spores)   Mountain: Bludgeoning (A propelled stone), or Fire (conjured magma)   Sea: Bludgeoning (a torrent of water) or Cold (a wave of ice)   Storm: Slashing (cutting winds) or Lightning (a crackling bolt)     Impelling Nature   1st-level Shaman feature   You gain proficiency with shields. You can take an action to conjure a buffeting wave. Depending on your aspect, it is either a wave of vines (forest), a wave of cracking stone (mountain), a wave of water (sea), or a pulse of wind (storm). All creatures within 10 feet of you must make a stength saving throw, or be pushed back 10 feet directly away from you. In addition, the ground within the radius becomes difficult terrain, although you are immune to the effects of difficult terrain created by this feature.   Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it again until you have finished a short or long rest.   Elemental Baston   6th-level Shaman feature   As an action, you can conjure a wall. The wall is comprised of vines and plants (forest), earth (mountain), ice (sea), or wind and clouds (storm). The wall is five feet wide, fifteen feet long, and ten feet high. It blocks both movement and vision, and provides full cover. The wall has an AC of 15 and 30 hit points. Any creature in a space where the wall is conjured must make a dexterity saving throw. On a success, they determine which side of the wall they shift to. On a failure, you determine which side they are shunted to.   You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses on a short or long rest.     Aspect's Ward   10th-level Shaman feature   When you are hit with an attack that deals one of the damage types listed for you Aspect in the Aspect's Fury feature, you can use a reaction to reduce the damage of that attack to zero. The next time you hit with an attack, ability or a spell that deals damage, you may deal a bonus 2d8 damage of the absorbed attack's damage type.   Once you use this feature, you may not use it again until you complete a short or long rest.     COnjure Aspect   14th-level Shaman feature   As an action, you summon a spirit, a physical manifestation of your aspect, in an unoccupied space within 60 feet. The spirit remains for 1 minute, or until concentration is broken, as if concentrating on a spell.   The spirit has 20 AC, and hit points equal to your hit point maximum.   The spirit's appearance depends on your chosen Aspect. For the Aspect of the Forestm it is a humanoid shape made of vines and leaves. For the Aspect of the Mountain, a creature of lumbering rock. For the Aspet of the Sea, it is made of water or ice. For the Aspect of Storms, a figure of clouds, wind, and lightning.   When you cast the spell and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns, you can move the hand up to 60 feet and then cause one of the following effects with it.   Spirit Lash. Make a melee spell attack roll against a target within 10 feet of the spirit. On a hit, it deals 4d8 damage, of one of the types listed in your choice of Aspect's Fury.   Spirit Binding. A creature within 10 feet of the spirit must make a strength saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, the creature is crappled. On subsequent turns, the spirit may automatically deal 3d6 of your Aspect's Fury damage type to the target.   Spirit Channel. The spirit casts one spell from your spell list of 3rd level or lower, using your spell attack modifier and spell save DC. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again until the aspect is once again summoned.


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