Vault 212 War never Changes

2169: The Year Vault 212 flooded

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As the bombs fell in October 2077, those who had had the foresight and means to have secured a place in Vault 212, tucked away underneath Gilbert Mill along the Olentangy River, sealed themselves inside. What they had hoped would be an isolation of a few weeks - surely no more than a month? Became years, and then generations. Overseers came and went, and while life was safe, it wasn't easy.   Occasionally traders would arrive with desperately needed medical supplies and news of the outside world; Raiders came calling from time to time as well, and at one point a decade ago, they broke into the vault itself, but were driven off, at least temporarily. They returned in force a few weeks later, but the vault-dwellers of 212 were saved by the timely arrival of a faction of well-armed and organized surface-dwellers calling themselves "The Bishops". Since then, the Bishops have provided a degree of protection, in return for trade goods, high-grade chems and the occasional tribute, a young man or woman between 18 and 20 years of age who is never seen again.   But a natural disaster has upset the balance of 212 in the middle of the night. Cold floodwaters are rising quickly outside the vault, and because the opening is horizontal with a lift to the surface, rather than a rolling door, opening the vault with the waters above will compromise the entire structure. There must be another way; and the Overseer remembers that Raid, and the fact that the passage was blockaded, and booby trapped, but must be a backdoor to estimate the scope of the danger because the waters aren't flooding in from that direction - at least not yet. Outside, they may meet others - humans, ghouls, supermutants, protectrons, and many more people and creatures of every description. Surely there will be those who might help, but also those who would exploit or harm the dwellers. What happens next - is up to you.