Fa Queue
Fa works at the Beer Forge as a server, usually when "Ivy" is in a surly mood. Usually subs in for his coworker Therewas. (Therewas A. Spredsheete). His surname's origin stems from the family's long history of waiting on lines of customers in the service industry.
Black and white rakshasa, leader of the
Steel Syndicate mercenary guild. Polite and businesslike, but is a little cutthroat (a "nothing personal, its just business" kinda dude). He's looking for mercenaries, who will complete jobs and not have moral qualms. He is congenial to the party, but doesn't think they're the right fit for his organization (Not all of them, anyway), unless they can find a niche (ex, planar travel) to set themselves apart from the other groups, and be enticing for employers.