Ep 22: "Sewer Workers"

Pesk, Pip, and Primeheart began their day clearing rubble at the demolished tower. Stroop, the tiefling owner of The Waffle Nest, had brough waffles for the workers. Pip asked for some waffles to use as covers and was told that if he brought filling he could have them, so he set off for the Beer Forge.

Nathan and Owen met at the Tea Garden and discussed plans for the future, but the discussion wasn’t very productive. They didn’t agree on several points and, when Owen tried to ask more questions Nathan wasn’t extremely forthcoming. Ultimately, Nathan wasn’t willing to reveal much about how he got his powers and they made very little headway before Mari joined them.

Mari had a run in with Jastra when she stopped to see if Seldanna was at home. Jastra had wanted to talk more with Mari but, after the last discussion, Mari rebuffed her attempts. She did not want to accidentally reveal more to Jastra and didn’t fully trust her motives. Mari left and went to the Tea Garden where she met up with Owen and Nathan.

The group at the Tea Garden headed over to the tower and ran into Pip on his way back from the Beer Forge. He had purchased 42 egg tubes to take back to the workers at the tower. At the tower they met up with the others as well as Mo and Pinbol. Nathan offered Mo and Pinbol a place to stay if they needed it but they declined. The group them decided to try and contact Zreet, so they headed into the Temple District and cast Prestidigitation sparks up into the sky.

Zreet arrived and gave the group a job. Tirah was supposed to have told them about the job, but Zreet gave them the details. The group’s mission was to go down into the sewers and acquire acid from a dark ooze. The acid was known to be especially good at dissolving metal quickly, but wood more slowly. She told them to leave the acid in a safehouse after they finished.

The group went to Seldanna’s apartment in Graywall to meet Eris. The Braith and his tentacle mustache greeted the group. He was unsure whether to consider everyone a friend, but Pip encouraged him and Primeheart to join him in “The Friendship Dance.” This broke the ice and the group said goodbye to their new potential friend as they headed to the sewers.

They found weapons and armor set within the sewer for them. They armed themselves and headed into the tunnels. At first, they explored and found only a dead end filled with a swarm of rats. They continued through the tunnels and discovered the dark oozes they had been sent to find. With their weapons and magic, the group was able to dispatch the oozes and collected the acid they needed. They made their way out and got the acid to Zreet at the designated safe house


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