Ep 27: "Milk and Shame"

Before meeting up for the day, the group went about their individual days. Owen spoke with Holly about taking over the clinic since he felt more needed elsewhere. She agreed and expressed that the clinic seemed like it wasn’t challenging enough for him anymore. Nathan and Rosie enjoyed having the Brell Estate to themselves for the morning. They got a lot of things cleaned up and organized. Swazi swung by and asked to join Rosie in her act with his dancing. They danced together and Nathan offered him a place to stay at the Estate. Pesk went to Reynard Manor and asked Juveha to join the group for lunch at the Beer Forge. Finkoo went to the clinic looking for Owen. He wanted to borrow some money since all of his had gone missing. Mari ran into Jastra while selling her flowers and ended up having tea with her. They talked about being Nikosta and what it means for Mari’s future. There was awkward small talk and Mari got the impression that Jastra was saddened by Seldanna’s absence from the house.

At the Beer Forge, Finkoo arrived and asked Ivy if she had seen his missing gold. She had no idea where it was though. Nathan and Rosie arrived next and Rosie returned Finkoo’s money. She had forgotten that she still had it from a previous lunch date. The other arrived and all began to talk and order their lunches as usual.

Suddenly, the double doors swung wide open and a powerfully built lizardfolk walked into the Beer Forge. He winked at Pesk and went to the counter to speak with Ivy. It was obvious that Ivy knew the lizardfolk, so when he turned and headed towards the group, no one was concerned. He greeted the group, but his attention was focussed on Pesk and he introduced himself as Mezrelokk. After some heavy flirting, Mezri asked Pesk out on a date and she accepted.

Pesk asked Ivy about Mezri and found out that he was a merchant ambassador of sorts for his people. Ivy also hinted that Mezi was known for being a great “dancer” from what she had heard, but Pesk’s innocence kept her from fully understanding. Owen, very bluntly, explained that Ivy was referring to sexual relations.

Nathan shared with the group that Tybalt would be moving into the Brell Estate and they all got ready to head out when Hailey came in. Hailey was dressed in particularly lovely dress and spoke with the group. She said she had plans to see a band called The Shepherds that night at the Beer Forge. It would be their first performance in years. She asked Mari if she would like to join her and Mari agreed. Rosie played her song about Mari for Hailey and then the group left to contact Zreet.

At the safehouse, Zreet was successfully called and congratulated the group on their successes at the castle. Pesk asked about the situation with Juveha and Zreet told her they were assessing the situation and that Lark was very lucky it had turned out this way. Owen asked what the group was to do now and Zreet explained that, for now at least, the group was to lay low and try not to draw attention to themselves. Mari also told Zreet about her meeting with Jastra and that Jastra had somehow found out a lot of information about Seldanna. During the conversation, Zreet also mentioned that the elf tribes beneath the city worshipped the Leviathan as a god, so that could complicate things if they tried to kill it. Nathan was appalled and frightened to learn that the Leviathan might still be around, let alone worshipped. Zreet also suggested asking Seldanna to have the King remove the ban on weapons in the city before the group left the safe house.

Pesk went to the Divine Foundry and spoke with Afra. She mentioned Mezri and discovered that Afra knew him as well. Rosie and Finkoo went to practice their pickpocketing skills. Nathan went home and spoke with Tybalt regarding their engagement. They agreed to dissolve the engagement and have a business partnership instead. Owen went The Chalice and inquired about training in fencing or other combat activities. Mari tended her garden before she headed to the Beer Forge to meet Hailey for the concert.

At the Beer Forge, Hailey was acting strange and Mari eventually discovered that she had fought with another guard. He had made fun of her outfit. They talked about their days, but Hailey seemed abnormally awkward. After a while, Hailey excused herself saying she did not feel well and went home. Finkoo and Rosie arrived and spoke with Ivy before they settled in to watched The Shepherds with Mari.


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