Ep 32: "Son of Pip"

The group started out their morning separate as usual. Having missed out on the dinner at the castle, Pip went to have a chat with Zeknar Feddles. It was pleasant and Zeknar did much of the talking, just like he had at the dinner. Finkoo spent some time working on Oisin’s Tools, even though they may not actually get to use them. Rosie went to check on Mari at Reynard Manor and was assured that Mari was as okay as she could be given the circumstances.

Mari informed Rosie she was going to meet with Lady Arasys and Rosie asked if Mari wanted company while meeting with Jastra. Mari declined, but asked her to keep an eye on Haley.

After getting to the Arasys Estate, she was welcomed in and asked Jastra for help to learn her Nikosta powers. Jastra said she could help teach Mari her powers, but she needed Mari to trust her for it to work. Jastra asked what the group knew, and Mari revealed she told the group both she and Jastra were Nikosta. She was visibly annoyed by this, but offered to trade information with Mari.


Jastra asked what the Phoenix Dawn was and Mari tried to deflect the question. Eventually she told Jastra she could not give her the information. Mari admitted that she didn’t trust her. Jastra said that she couldn’t trust Mari with her knowledge if Mari wouldn’t trust her. She also commented that she could not trust Mari with secrets either, since Mari had told the others about her and Jastra being Nikosta. Mari returned to the Manor to get Rosie and told her that nothing really happened.


Owen went to the clinic and Holly came to him as soon as he got there. She told him that they had a small problem and pointed out the buildings in the slums that had been built up a bit more. Owen went and talked with Daster, a local resident, who told Owen that he didn’t want to get removed from his home for the hospital to be built. Daster was stubborn when talking to Owen, but did say he’d move for 100 Gold. Owen told him he was being very reasonable and Daster changed it to 200 Gold. Owen said he would see what he could do.


Pip and Primeheart were making their way home from a hunt the previous night. They had hurried back after reading the journals that morning. On their way back, they came across a large shell in the forest. They approached and saw a Tortle with a cigar. The three exchanged pleasantries and talked about being hunters. They learned his name is Wabura and talked for a little while before continuing into town.


The group got together at the Tea Garden, since the Beer Forge had been so damaged the day before.. Everyone sat down for tea and Rosie talked about putting the Five mark on a building to get answers.  The rest of the group was hesitant about the risk of possibly putting people in danger.


After eating, the group decided to check the Beer Forge basement. As they got there, they ran into Wabura again and Pip directed him to “Tip to Tail” and he left. Primeheart noticed as he was leaving, and told the group, that the fur on the back of Wabura’s shell was in fact Farrosh. 

The group asked what Pip wanted to do about the Tortle, and he said he would think about it while the group investigated the Beer Forge. Pip wanted to save the Egg Tubes in the basement.


Inside the Beer Forge, the group found Ivy amid the debris. She was waiting for the portion of the building that had been magically shrunk, via the spell the Five had used the day before, to reappear normally sized. After some brief talking, the building rebuilt itself. Everyone seemed to be fine and no one died during the transformation. After checking on things, and Pip getting some more egg tubes, Finkoo also offered to help rebuild the bar area and Ivy welcomed his help. Also discovered in the Beer Forge was a golden brass ball that was thrown the day before. Owen pocketed it.


The group started to go to “Tip to Tail”, but Pip asked Ivy to keep an eye out for the Tortle with the pelt and to let him know is she saw them.

The group went to “Tip to Tail” to ask about the Tortle and were told that he had left about 20 minutes ago and they were not sure where he went. After talking about the Farosh pelt Wabura was carrying, the owners of the store said that they wouldn’t do business with him again if he had killed and skinned a Farrosh. Pip also got many different smells and soaps before he left “Tip to Tail”.

As they considered what to do next, Mezri entered the store and asked the group for help in getting Pesk a gift. Primeheart helped him pick out some high-quality leathers and also suggested getting her some glitter as well.Finkoo handed over one of his pink vials of glitter to Mezri and he gave him a blue one in return. Mezri also pat his shoulder and sent him into the ground. After recovering, and checking on Finkoo, Mezri went to find Pesk.


The group decided to split up to look for both the Tortle and the Five. Rosie put up a  mark of the Five and, after some time, a crowd appeared. The halfling, Daisy, grabbed Rosie’s hand and took her through the crowd. She was  taken to a secret place where the two talked about what happened at the Beer Forge.The halfling was disappointed that, to her way of thinking, the group was collaborating with the King to gain power. Rosie told them that Seldanna wasn’t a collaborator to the king, but was unable to convince them.

Before they left, they told Rosie that her friends needed to step up and prove they were resisting before the king was loved again. Rosie asked if she could contact them again and they told her that, if it was specifically Rosie that needed them, then she could.  Rosie also asked for a meeting with the leader who could listen to what she had to say and they responded that they would try to organize a meeting.

After a minute or so, the rest of the group found Rosie on her own. Rosie told the group she might have gotten a meeting with The Five soon and that she would probably have to be alone for it.The party tried to find the Tortle. When they asked people and animals whether they had seen him,  he was said to be in water. As the group headed that way, they started to hear humming of the song of the  Resistance. It became gradually more apparent until, eventually, there was singing all around the group. It reminded them why they were fighting.


The tortle was gone by the time they got there.


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