Ep 34: "Book of Lies"

On the evening of Iseris 2, Seldanna sent notice to the king that she would not be attending the dinner on Iseris 3. She did not want to leave after the events at the Beer Forge and ended up dining at the Reynard Manor. She spoke with Juveha at length regarding the week’s events. Juveha prepared dinner at 6 on the 3rd. When Juveha sat at the table to eat with her, she was bubbly. When working, she was very on-task and focused. After dinner, Seldanna attempted to unwind by going to the manor’s library. As she read, she heard the sounds of the doorbell. Juveha entered the library and presented her with a scroll bearing the king’s seal. Juveha also informed her that the king sent dinner and flowers. Seldanna opened the scroll, which read:


Lady Seldanna,


I hope that you feel better soon. I understand that you would not have jeopardized our relationship for any reason, but an illness. I look forward to seeing you at our next dinner.


Your Husband


P.S. I have asked your mother to check on you.


Seldanna threw the scroll away and opened the library doors and heard a mild commotion as dinner was set up. She was mildly distracted but returned to reading her bible. Juveha returned to announce that dinner was ready. It appeared to be a full 12 course dinner. Seldanna stated that the servants could enjoy themselves on the meal and went to her room.  As Seldanna left her room the next morning, Juveha was standing there with another scroll:


Lady Seldanna,


I understand that you were too ill to enjoy the meal last night. I have returned the chefs to you for breakfast.


Your Husband


Juveha further relayed that Jastra had arrived the previous evening and, when Seldanna did not come to dinner, she returned for the breakfast service. Seldanna went downstairs to see an incredible spread with all manner of food prepared. Jastra was seated at the table. Seldanna greeted her mother, who commented that Seldanna seemed to be feeling better. Jastra asked how Seldanna was doing living away from home, and why she was living at the Reynard Manor instead of the castle.

There was talk in the town that the queen didn’t live with the king, and people weren’t sure what to make of it. She also told Seldanna that the king had been quite generous in his gifts to her. Jastra questioned Seldanna’s motivations in her requests, citing that “crime” and rebellious behavior were at a 17 year high. Jastra stated that she knew Seldanna had been stabbed and asked why Seldanna tried to hide it. She further questioned why Seldanna was “debasing” herself by dressing as and associating with commoners. Seldanna stated that she didn’t want to live her life as a haughty noble looking down on others or continuing to do the things that the Arasys family had done to stay in power. She left, packed, and departed the manor.

Meanwhile, the others went through their mornings before the lunch meet-up. Cyl asked Oisin what kind of beard oil Pinbol liked to use, then went out to go purchase a container, as well as a serving of the Executive glitter. She then combined the two into a tincture to gift to the wizard. Primeheart awakened and started the day by performing funeral rites for a family near the forest. He had also been tracking Wobura, the tortle’s,  movements in the forest as well. He set out for the Reynard Manor. Pip worked on the “Murderwall” he had been building to track the tortle within the city. GB did research.

Pesk slept in, nuzzled against Mezri’s arm. When she awoke and inquired as to the time, he told her that it was after dawn. He came back from the restroom to make nice and departed for the day. He promised to pick her up later in the evening.

Primeheart arrived at Reynard Manor in time to catch Seldanna storming out the door.

The group reunited at Mo’s and discussed what to do with their day. Pinbol came downstairs and a much-needed round of group hugs ensued. Cyl gave Pinbol her gift and told him that she had been continuing the “morning routine” he prescribed for her feet. It seemed to be helping at least slow the spread.. They discussed the events with the Neo-Goa from the previous day.

The group decided to track down Wobura, since it seemed to be the least emotionally draining task. Something that was needed after the events at the Beer Forge with The Five. Mo shared his shrimp with Pip before they left and Seldanna spoke with Pinbol about the possibility of building a permanent teleportation circle within the city.

Primeheart attempted to track Wobura in the forest and consulted with some birds for guidance. They picked up the trail and found it peppered with traps, which Primeheart purposely tripped. They managed to find the tortle and struck up a conversation rather than just attack him. Pip confronted him about the farrosh pelt and how he got it.

Wobura explained that he had obtained the pelt on Lamina Island during Zeknar Feddle’s expedition. The tortle said that Feddle’s book was full of lies, but did not fully clarify what he meant by this. Wobura did tell the group that, though the flora and fauna described were accurate, the social interactions and adventures were not.  After some further misunderstandings, Wobura explained that the farrosh pelt had belonged to the tortle’s friend. The party said goodbye to Wobura and returned to the city.

Sounds of construction could be heard as the party entered the Temple District on their way into town. GB discussed the option of exploring how far Seldanna’s control over the Nocturne went when yelling and screaming started coming from the direction of the construction. When the party arrived, they saw bouquets of flowers discarded around a dumpster, as well as the dessicated bodies of the workers.

Tyrell stood at the center of the carnage, wisps of necrotic energy coming from his hand. Despite Seldanna’s protestations, Pesk ran forward to speak with him and was stopped by a wall of necrotic green flames. She tried to talk him down, but Tyrell insisted that killing Tybalt was the only way to end things. He demanded that the group give him Tybalt and threatened that they may die if they stood in his way. They also found out that Tybalt was just as old as Kembrick was when he died, close to 24 years prior.

It was surmised/revealed that there were seven individuals under the geas, and that ending one of the “threads” was the only way to remove the geas. The seven individuals were Afra, Pinbol, Tyrell, Imelda, the Keysmith, Kembrick Lockridge, and one unknown person. Seldanna asked who the unknown person might have been. Tyrell responded by telling her to ask her mother.  The group realized that Jastra was possibly the 7th person under the geas. Tyrell also told the group that he knew what the Keysmith’s name had been, but would not be able to speak it while under the geas.

An ancient cat, that was all bone with very little remaining flesh on its body, approached Tyrell. He picked the cat up and it appeared to nuzzle him around the ear. Tyrel responded to it with “the Brell Estate.” The party got Tyrel to agree to a two-day ceasefire in they had time to ascertain the depth of Tybalt’s ties to the geas. If Tybalt left the estate during that time, Tyrell had no qualms about taking him out. If the two days passed without the party surrendering Tybalt, the Brell estate and everyone living there would be endangered.


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