Ep 37: "Honey Heist?"

For Mari, the morning started with a talk with Haley about their relationship. Haley told Mari about her feelings and that she had hoped for a more romantic relationship. Mari said that she loved Haley, but as a friend and not romantically. Despite that, they agreed to stay just friends and roommates.

Pesk wanted to find more information on Aglazoth and went to the Temple of Bahl, a god of knowledge,  to look through the books. There were people working on fixing up the temple when she arrived, but they didn’t care if she looked through the books as long as she helped with the work. Pesk carried things for awhile and then started to look through the books to find one on Algazoth.

She discovered that he was called the Keeper of Secrets. He would appear as a lion-man with a skull head and rode a black bear. He was known to wield a  viper snake whip and hold a trumpet in his other hand. He also had descendants that looked like lion-tabaxi. She copied all the information into the book and went to lunch.

Cyl went to the Divine Foundry to talk with Afra. She told Afra she received a scroll from Tyrell too and was checking on the other people who also got them. They discussed the boat lift situation, and Afra thanked her for the tip on washing the eirshale to slow the decay. Afra explained there’s a lot she couldn’t talk about, but they discussed what information she could.

At Mo’s Tower, Lark sought out Mo for a trip to the Green Iron Village. Mo was ready and even had an adventurer’s outfit for the trip. Lark asked Mo for a can, which he had plenty of after feeding Yoth the day before. Lark remembered that Rosie had not been to the goblin village yet, and they stopped by the Brell Estate to ask Rosie if she wanted to go too. Tybalt answered the door with a cup of coffee in hand. Lark asked Rosie if she wanted to go too, which she did. Lark then emptied out the coffee can in the kitchen and explained to Mo that he needed a bigger can than the ones he’d had back at the tower.

Lark, Mo, and Rosie arrived at Green Iron Village to find the goblins passed out on the ground from the night before. Boss was awake and, eventually, they woke up the rest of the goblins. Lark introduced Rosie to every goblin in the village. He then explained the rules for the game that day, which was a mix of Hide and Seek and Kick the Can. As soon as he said that he was it, the goblins scattered and they played the game for the rest of the morning.

When they returned to the tower, Lark cast Find Steed and introduced his new steed, a kodiak bear he named Foster, to Rosie and Mo. Mo, after he saw Foster, took off running and ran away to Pinbòl’s house. Rosie loved the bear and gave him a lot of scritches. They mounted the bear and rode him to the Beer Forge.

At Pinbòl’s house, Oisin spoke to Pinbol in the morning about their conversation regarding the scrolls. Oisin explained that, having thought a lot about that they’d said, the person Pinbòl was in his past didn’t matter because he was a good person now. Oisin also said that they thought they might want to find out who they used to be. Pinbòl seemed crestfallen, and said that Oisin needed to know for sure one way or the other before he could do anything.

He explained that he would have to put a lot of things into motion to accomplish it. Oisin said that he didn’t want it if Pinbol would get hurt. They discussed Mo’s costume party and decided to be King Goodbury (Oisin) and Queen Seldanna (Pinbol). Oisin and Pinbol went out together to find their costumes.

Stroop and Ivy were working together at the Beer Forge to recreate what Pip had brought the day before. Pesk, Cyl, Mari, and Oisin arrived first for the lunch meeting and waited for the others. They tried the food that Stroop and Ivy were making while chatting. Lark and Rosie rode Foster into the bar, though he struggled to open the door.

Pesk, having just read about Aglazoth riding a bear, yelled for everyone to run when she saw the bear enter the bar. She bolted out the back door and jumped into the river to escape. Everyone else, including Ivy, all gave Foster pets and he curled up in the corner. When the group finally noticed that Pesk had taken off completely, Ivy checked the back door and noticed it was open. The group assumed she went to the Divine Foundry, because she jumped into the water and headed that direction.

Pesk burst into Afra’s office at the Divine Foundry and began to warn her that Algazoth was at the Beer Forge. Afra explained that Pesk had to be mistaken, because he wouldn’t show up in the Beer Forge and she used Sending to contact Mari. Afra confirmed Pesk was with her at the Foundry and asked for more information. Pesk left and met the group outside. They decided to go to the Tea Garden, because they had just run out of the Beer Forge.

The group arrived at the Tea Garden to find Jastra outside. She invited the group to join her for tea and they accepted. Before sitting down, Oisin took Mari aside to talk to her. Oisin told her that Jastra had seemed displeased and protective over Mari with regards to Nathan.  He thought she would want to know. Mari said that she didn’t really care how Jastra felt, but appreciated being told.

The group ordered tea, and Rosie ordered a tin of coffee to take home to Tybalt. Jastra showed the group her Tome and they discussed her being in the Resistance. Jastra’s overall demeanor was more pleasant than it had been before. She explained that she had no idea about Seldanna being in the Resistance and regretted marrying her off to the king. She had assumed Seldanna would be safe there. She also explained that Seldanna was told not to tell anyone until they tested someone else, Yoth specifically. Jastra admitted that she regretted the way she had been with Seldanna. She also explained that they might shift focus to rebuilding the city rather than just overthrowing the king, as Aldion liked the idea.

Cyl offered sympathy for the loss of Tyrell and Jastra discussed the last few days with them. She told them that they may see a change in the people who were affected. Oisin repeated the sentiment they had shared with Pinbol: The things they did and forgot didn’t matter as much as the person they were now. She told Oisin that the relationships they had built were important, that it was good they had gotten close quickly, and that Oisin should be there for Pinbol.

Jastra didn’t outright say it, but implied she meant the same for Lark. Jastra gave the group information on a cache belonging to the Five and offered it to the group. Rosie was hesitant, because she thought she was starting to gain trust with Daisy.  The rest of the group, especially Oisin, insisted that they couldn’t work with them, which Jastra agreed with. Jastra gave them the location and they headed off.

After they arrived at the Five’s hideout, the group made some preparations before bursting in. Mari turned into a bear like Foster. Rosie cast Disguise Self to turn into a gnome, just in case Daisy was there. Oisin used Disguise Self to turn into an elf, since there were not many firbolg in town and also because Daisy had met them as well. The group burst in and found a creature the size of a direwolf with the face of a human.

The group easily took it out, only knocking it unconscious, not killing it outright. Daisy then emerged from a room in the back. She threatened everyone, but didn’t make a move to attack. She didn’t recognize Rosie or Oisin, so she slowly backed away and left. The group allowed her to leave for Rosie’s sake.

The group took a crate from the back and returned to a safehouse to go through everything. Rosie feeling guilty about the stealing, refused to take anything.


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