Ep 41: "Trey Magnifique"

Oisin spent some one on one time with Trey and regaled him with the stories of his journeys. Trey became alarmed by the danger the group faced in Oisin’s stories. He offered to go with them if they ever needed him and stood. He also vocalised to Oisin, “I, Trey enjoy.” meaning that he enjoyed their talks.

The other also spent their mornings doing various things before meeting. Pip made a poorly crafted quiche at the Brell Estate. Despite the questionable quality, Pesk still ate it. She had no problem trying the strange quiche. Mari began looking for a storefront to take over.

Pesk also went to check on Afra. The half-orc had been focused on repairing the boat lift, which had suffered from some damage during normal operations the previous day. She asked how Cyl had been doing, specifically referencing the Goa’s feet. Pesk reported that Cyl’s feet were being scrubbed daily and the infection hadn’t seemed to spread beyond where it was previously. She went on to say that Cyl had managed to send a message to her family requesting help, and they would be arriving at some point in the near future. Pesk asked Afra if she could be of any specific assistance, Afra replied with a smile, “paying a visit helps.”

The group met up with Zreet at the safe house, and were told that their next task would be to go back into redcap territory and collect a stake from the limb of an undead treant. It would be very dangerous. Oisin suggested bringing Trey for the extra “manpower” and the group readily agreed.

In trying to figure out how to take Trey with them, The group discovered that he could be carried safely in the Bag Of Holding. They also discovered that Cyl could ride in the Bag of Holding unimpeded.

The party chose to stock up on health potions and then headed to the cranes that lead to Bilgeport. After they got down the cliff, Mari cast Water Walk to allow the party to approach the waterfall and they started toward the Undermyst. As they walked, Oisin spotted a large, almost whale-like fin coming out of the water. It was dark in color with yellow markings, and was much larger than a typical whale fluke. They then proceeded to make the climb to the cave openings that would lead to the Undermyst.

As they traveled through the fae land, Pesk discovered that the more her mind wandered in the Undermyst, the more difficult it was to find where she was going. The group realized that if you focussed on a location, that would help keep you going in the right direction. They focused once more and headed onward to the redcaps’ territory.

The party got to a set of ruins and found themselves entangled with several redcaps before the treant came to life, and the party struggled to stay alive. The fight was a difficult one and with precious moments to spare, the tree was defeated and splintered. The party members, very bruised and hurt slowly made their way back to the city and gave the stake to Zreet.


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