Ep 46: "Bloodbath"

A lot happened during the two weeks that followed the death of the King.

Primeheart spent time at his camp, reflecting on all that had happened and spending time with Seldanna. He went into town to talk with Kurt Brambleknut as he wanted to make sure he was safe. Kurt was fine. Though, due to slower business, he purchased fewer herbs and less tea than he usually did. The clientele he used to see was absent due to the events of the last few weeks. The back half of the seating was still in use, but the front half was only set up to indicate the store was open. Primeheart then went to check on the nature temple and found that the work had stopped due to lack of funding.

While there, he met an elf named Faelyn, who was in charge of the temple. They discussed bringing food to the city from the farms and that it would be beneficial. They knew that people wouldn’t work for free. They discussed the benefits of a barter system for everyone and then used Plant Growth to bolster the crops.

Pip spent some of his time with Wobura hunting. He also spent time with Zeknar Feddles at a cheap bar. Zeknar explained that he was still in town, because he had wanted to get funding from the king for his next expedition. They discussed his book and Zeknar signed it for Pip. Pip asked about things, including guides, that were left out of the book. Zeknar explained he left some things out, because the details weren’t important. Pip says he thinks they are. He asked Zeknar why he left Wobura specifically out of the book.

Zeknar’s demeanor changed and he tells Pip that Wobura changed maps to pursue a hunting target. This caused the expedition to miss making contact with a Farrosh group. He confirmed that Wobura did make a Farrosh friend and that it was his pelt that he wore as a tribute. Pip thanked him for the information and left.

Oisin went to speak with Pinbol after his talk with Saxi. He was still at work, and looked even more exhausted. Pinbol said he was ashamed of what he had done, and was concerned how it would affect their relationship.Oisin said that all he wanted was for him to make it up to the people he hurt. Pinbol said he had been trying to do that, even when he didn’t know what he had done in his past. Oisin tells him that he would still be there for him when he needs it, and that he still cares a lot about him. Pinbol said he would try to do what he could to make things right and atone for his past actions. Oisin then asked him to rest, but Pinbol dismissed it and said that he could be working in that time. Oisin kissed his forehead and left him to work, looking for Mo in the meantime. By the end of the two weeks, Pinbol started to act more like normal and took Oisin out again.

Cyl tried to go speak with Afra and was turned away at the Divine Foundry. Instead she went on her date with Dub and showed him her studio. She lamented that people wouldn’t be able to appreciate the work in her studio the way they appreciated her other work. Dub enjoyed the experience and wrote poetry while she worked and talked. He told her that he lived with his father, and Cyl told him about her mother.

Toward the end of the two weeks, Cyl returned to the Divine Foundry to speak with Afra. When she entered, there was a cloaked figure in the corner. They discussed the blightshale and Afra said she tried to reach out to Pinbol to get his help, but he had refused.

Cyl asked Afra if she was responsible for the spread of Daydream, which she denied because there wasn’t any personal gain. She also pointed out that Pinbol was only conducting his research for his own gain, because Cyl was important to him and to his boyfriend.

Cyl told Afra that she was responsible for Pesk leaving the city and Afra denied responsibility, saying that she told Pesk not to trust her. Cyl also held Afra responsible for her infection, which Afra denied because Cyl had been eager to touch it,  knowing full well that it was diseased. Afra said any knowledge about it was useful, and even if Cyl had died it would have been beneficial if they found a cure. The livelihood of the city would be preserved, but the point was moot because Aldion destroyed the boatlift. Cyl expressed anger about all of this as Afra had put her entire species at risk and took her purpose now that she can’t touch eirshale.

Afra then introduced the cloaked figure as Orram, an old, colonial in appearance Goa with a weathered face etched by acid. She said that he was the one who had provided the eirshale to the city. Cyl demanded to know what he gained and he said he got everything he ever wanted. Cyl wanted to know why he would betray his people, and he explained that they had cast him out when he returned home after the original society had died. He told Cyl there was a time when a Goa creating another Goa, like her own creation, would have been considered blasphemy and the change occured after he was sent away.

Orram revealed that in his time of banishment, he had learned techniques to manipulate eirshale and to sculpt it like clay, but the techniques could not be used on the living. It could be used to manufacture tools, which was why he assisted in the construction of the boat lift. He was paid enough money to never have to live a life of servitude, and never again be treated with the disdain that caused his disfigurement. Cyl told him he wouldn’t want to stay for snowfall when the Goa would be coming, and he said he wanted to see the family again.

The Tea Garden was chosen for the meeting this time. Saxi arrived first and greeted Primeheart. Kali arrived, and met Primeheart, who took her to get a pot of tea. Pip and Oisin arrived next, discussing Pip’s sausage waffle sticks. Cyl arrived last, and Kali stepped away, and became very nervous. The group discussed how they had been since the night of the King’s downfall.

Kali returned, and she introduced herself to the rest of the group. She flirted with most of them and she asked what they did for work. Primeheart returned her flirting.They explained to her that this was just what they’re doing for the moment, and she would find out why Aldion included her later on. They discussed if they could talk more openly, and decided to continue to be cautious.

They discussed what to do for the day and decided to go to the Chalice first, then to the spa. They joked about how things always seemed to go wrong when they tried to go to the spa, which concerned Kali.

The Chalice, to their surprise, was busier than any other place in the city. A lot of the crowd seemed to be a similar crowd to the one in the city from during the anniversary of Lady Ennith’s death. There was a very long line and a very short line, and the group approached the short line. It was explained that they could either fight solo or as a group, and they could choose a beast or an intelligent opponent.

The group chose to fight an intelligent opponent as a group, as most felt bad for fighting a beast since they came to fight people. Out of the intelligent opponents, they chose to fight a Cloud Giant. Everyone gave a name: Cyl the Destroyer, Kali The Dragon Sentinel, Saxi the Chiton, Pip the Destroyer, Oisin the Destroyer, and The Primeheart. They were given a number and entered.

Kali and Cyl talked before the battle started. Kali was a little uncomfortable, but asked questions about Goa, which Cyl happily answered. Asking questions seemed to help ease Kali’s discomfort.

The group entered the arena to fight the giant. The giant moved very quickly and far, which frustrated many in the group. He took out Primeheart, Saxi, and Oisin at various points. Eventually, he was knocked out by Cyl.

The party was paid 15gp each and told they would get more if they played up the fight for the audience. The group went to the spa to relax after the battle.


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