Ep 50: "Rebel Yell"

Instructions from the Resistance had not been forthcoming. Many of the rebels had left the city, feeling that their duty had been achieved. Aldion and Zreet had been mostly silent, but Zreet mentioned that this may be due to Aldion having machinations in play that are unknown to those uninvolved.

Mari had spent the last three weeks attempting to grow fireroot, the spell component herb. She also spent time in Farbrook with family for her sister’s birthday. She was now back in Cinderhaven and ready to rejoin her friends.

The morning of Renaris 15 was spent working on their own projects. Lark wrote in the book that he would get to the tunnels early to set up a picnic, using the same picnic blanket as had been used before to mark the location of the rope down to the Cave. Kali headed over to the Beer Forge to hang out and await lunchtime. Cyl, knowing that Kali did not yet have a Tome, went to go pick up the monk. Oisin went to talk to Pinbòl about city council stuff. Pinbòl had been considering stepping up and taking a position as the representative for the Pearl district. Oisin said they would help the wizard campaign for votes. Pip had spent his morning preparing for Lark’s picnic.

At the cliffs, Kali and Mari were introduced. There was a lot of food, and egg puns, as they all enjoyed their meal. The party then made their way down the cliff with nary an issue, and proceeded to make their way into the cave system

In the Cave, the party proceeded to continue down the tunnel with a fresh breeze. They walked until they found the giant blood puddle. Lark cleared the area after using his divine senses and they continued down the pathway. A discussion was had pertaining to the gods and the creation myth of Vayl as they walked.

Mari inquired whether or not Kali knew anything of Baba Yaga, the progenitor of the Nikosta people. Kali admitted that she knew a broad overview, but didn’t know anything specific. As Kali wrapped up her tale, an earthen creature appeared from one of the walls of the cave.

It introduced itself as “Dun”. It turned out that he had been in the caves for most of his life and got few visitors. He asked the party for snacks, and Kali produced a small piece of obsidian. Most of the party seemed to have trouble connecting with the creature and took their leave. Kali felt good about her interaction, and received a blessing from Dun.

After walking further into the tunnels, a body was spotted lying on the ground. Its shoes were in impeccable condition, but the pants and clothing were in tatters. The body was covered in weeping pustules and, when Mari approached to ascertain how long the body may have been there, it rose from the ground and attacked.

When Pip approached, the creature’s stench and aura of disease was so strong that it caused him to pause in his attack. As the battle progressed, the creature’s bites caused necrotic damage and hurt the vitality of those bitten.

Flaming skulls also appeared.They were drawn to the fight, by a yell of surprise, from further down the tunnel. The party was eventually victorious!

Magic items were found on the body after the fight had ended. The boots had Transmutation magic, a belt had Conjuration magic, and the bracers had Abjuration magic. The damage taken during the fight made the party decide to return.

When they got back to the top of the cliff, they discovered that Foster the bear had eaten the remains of the picnic. They then decided to head over to Mo’s Tower, since the party wanted Pinbòl’s assistance in identifying the magic items.

Pinbòl was happy to help and told them what the items magical imbuements were. The boots were Boots of Striding and Springing, the belt was a Belt of Many Pockets, and the bracers were Bracers of Defense.

At the tower, Mari suddenly had a vision:                                                                                                                                                                         She found herself in another’s body, standing at white cliffs made of chalk, almost crystalline in nature. The person whom she was inhabiting was standing at the edge of the cliff. She pulled herself back and saw that the person had a letter in her hand. She opened the letter and read it aloud:



Let me first say that I am among a select few who have the ability to forgive those most think should not be.  An ability to forgive those who have repeatedly already been forgiven, repeatedly broken the trust awarded them.  You are not a special case or any different from those forgiven before now. You aren’t being given my forgiveness because you have earned it or because of the moments we have shared.  You are being forgiven because above all else, forgiveness is divine. Forgiveness heals and brings with it hope for a future in which forgiveness is no longer needed.


There are going to be many who will turn and walk away from you, distance themselves as far from you as possible.  Some with tears in their eyes, others with hate. My advice to you is to look every one of them in the eye without judgment.  Stand with your head held steady and except their decisions as part of your own healing process. Awaking each and every day with the memories of what you and VKTR have done will fade over time but never truly leave you be.  Forgiving yourself will now be the badges, the armor, the scars, the daily tasks that will fill the rest of your life. Please remember that mistakes are always forgivable, once you've done what you've already done. Admit them.


As for our moments, all of which are special ones I hold close, I plan on keeping them and remembering them as fondly as I ever have. I am writing this now because of those moments and any such future ones we shall share together.  Once you are ready, once you've forgiven yourself, and excepted what needs to be accepted. Then and only then will new moments between us continue.


“Bear with the faults of others as you would have them bear with yours.”


                   Your Light,



Mari saw the words become blurry as the woman, whom she now knew to be Jastra, read the letter. Jastra clutched the letter to her chest and stepped away from the cliff as Mari’s vision faded.


Mari came back to herself and the group discussed the enormity of what she had just seen.


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