Ep 52: "Dark Watah"

The party met up for a picnic at the foundations of the ruined castle. A lot of hijinks ensued, but the group had truly earned a bit of fun after all they had been through. The party scaled the cliff and Cyl took the time to chisel the cliff away a bit to make an alcove that was easier for everyone to climb into.

They trekked down the same breezy tunnel and met Dun again. Pip gifted him a piece of lightning glass that he’d originally intended to give to Pesk. Cyl gave Dun a chunk of rock from the outside cliff, which he didn’t like much.

The party finally got to a small underground lake with a relatively slow moving waterfall. The water cascaded over a few different levels and only dropped a couple stories total. Primeheart cast Water Walk on the party with a ritual and they hopped down to the lower level of the falls.

As the party was walking across the perfectly clear water, they could not figure out how deep the body of water actually went. They also realized that the fish below them had slowly stopped appearing. Primeheart stepped back and cast Light on a copper, which he then dropped into the lake.

A massive, and extremely fast shark, swam below them and swallowed the copper. It rounded on the party, focusing its attack on Primeheart and the light source he carried. The party attacked it through the water, but most had trouble because of the very magic that was allowing them to walk on the lake. GB realized that the shark was going after the light, coming from an arrow in Primeheart’s quiver and he threw the arrow away. The shark swam after the arrow, chomped it, and then sped away.

As they continued over the lake, small faerie lights began appearing under the water.  Cyl started walking toward the lights. As Cyl got within about sixty feet of them, she realized they were part of angler-fish creatures, with dark liquid clinging to their sharp teeth. A swarm of these fish flocked toward Cyl and the party fled. As they slashed at the fish, and slogged over the water, they made for the shore.  

They reached the edge of the lake before anyone was knocked unconscious, but Kali would have been knocked out if not for her incredible resolve. The party continued up the stone floor as it inclined like a ramp and found a safe way back toward the entrance that went around the lake. Since Kali was still feeling very rough, the party headed back out of the crack and up the cliff.

They got to the top of the cliff and found a woman in red, with rubies on her neck and ears. She seemed to have waited for the party on the cliff and was eating a bowl of porridge. The party spoke with the ever silent Red. Cyl, excited by the amount of color Red wore, asked for permission and then painted a pretty red flower on Red’s exposed chest. GB was also given a treat by Red.

As the party left, so that Primeheart could heal Kali, Red climbed down the ropes the party had left on the cliff.


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