Ep 56: "Intervention of a Not-Bad Persuasion"

The morning was spent on various errands before the lunch meeting. Primeheart went to Owen’s clinic, to help make sure everything wasn’t being abused by people who didn’t need as much as they were taking. Mari continued to set up her shop and get ready for business. Finkoo was at work, as per usual. Rosie went to work as well and performed at The Beer Forge. Nathan spent the morning talking to Tybalt about business.


Kali had been asked by Cyl to deliver a message to the Divine Foundry, specifically to Vasafra The message was that the boatlift would be fixed, by the Winter Court, by the end of the day. Cyl’s message also warned Vasafra to keep her workers away for safety. Vasafra refused the plans, and told Kali that Cyl would be held responsible for any work or magic that was done on the boatlift.


Kali told her that it was everyone’s idea to make the repairs to the boatlift, and that everyone would be held responsible instead. Kali started to leave for The Beer Forge, but Vasafra stopped her and said that, if the Boatlift was safe, she was happy to stand by Cyl and the group in Court. Kali argued that if there was no government, then it was hard to send someone to trial. Vasafra countered that the Council would be voted in on Tuesday, to which Kali replied, “I won’t need that long.”


Kali arrived first and asked for a drink without any flirting, which was new. Ivy offered to hear her out and tried to comfort Kali. Kali told Ivy that she couldn’t understand why they’d put people on trial for doing something good. Ivy responded that maybe jealousy was a driving factor. The two continued to talk about the government and other lighter subjects as people started arriving.


Rosie tackled Finkoo and asked for, no demanded, information on his date with Daisy. He told everyone that it went okay and gave Rosie some details so she would get off him. The group continued their small talk and went on to decide what to do with the rest of the day.

Someone in a tattered purple robe walked in with an adventurous looking man, who carried a rifle and pistols on his person. It was the two that had given Rosie the tracked coin the other day. They went and ordered, before sitting down at their table. Rosie asked why they were trying to track her with a coin, and the men didn’t respond to her questions. Rosie started to move away from their table, and they spoke up to say that she wasn’t the only one who was tracked.


The group continued talking and Eirshale came up during the conversation. Specifically, the Goa with their Eirshale boat and the tainted drugs came up. Kali wasn’t sure how to take this information in, about using the mother dragon egg for drugs and building things. She went to step out of the bar to compose herself and Primeheart followed her out.


Two more individuals joined the first two men at their table, a tiefling and a goliath. Rosie, Finkoo, and Mr. Binx went to attempt to listen in on their conversation. The group began to speak in Thieves Cant about running out of options, and that they needed to check in on a higher noble type, with regards to their plans. Finkoo and Rosie listened in, as Finkoo left, Rosie stole the hunters’ rifle and ran outside.

Outside the bar, Kali and Primeheart talked about the lives they lead, and about the mother dragon egg. The two also spoke about their dreams and about a catastrophic event happening to the city. Primeheart spent some time comforting Kali, trying to help Kali take in and process everything she had been told.


Rosie ran out to ask Primeheart for help with the hunting rifle, but he declined and Kali suggested the sewer grate. Rosie went down to hide the gun. Back in the bar, Finkoo related to Mari and Nathan the information about the noble the other group was looking for today, and how he wasn’t sure who it could be. While they were talking, the hunter went up to Ivy and pointed at the two tables. Ivy came over and told the group that the gentleman was missing his rifle and, as there were only two tables in use right now, it had to be one of them. They then realized Rosie was missing, and Nathan and Mari went out to look for her, while Finkoo stayed at the bar. Mari and Nathan asked Primeheart and Kali if they had seen Rosie. They told Mari and Nathan to check the sewer grates, but by this time, Rosie was gone.


The group tried to figure out how to get Rosie to come back with the gun. Kali reached into her bag and handed Primeheart a Sending scroll. Rosie responded that she was going to come back, but she attempted to fire the gun within the sewers first. As she did so, some type of magic activated and she appeared back at The Beer Forge. She had also turned blue. The hunter took the rifle back, then Finkoo and Rosie left the bar.


The group met up outside and talked about how Rosie needed to be more careful. A while later, the group of men came out of the bar and left. Finkoo, Mari, and Rosie all followed the group to the Pearl District, and to Nathan’s house.

Meanwhile, Nathan had gone with  Kali and Primeheart to look for Tybalt. He thought that Tybalt could be the noble being targeted by the strange group. Rosie used Sending to tell Nathan about the situation with the men going to his house and figured out that they could be looking for Nathan instead.


After the men checked the house, they went to the door and knocked. Nathan, Primeheart, and Kali answered.  Rosie snuck into the house through the window. The two groups talked at the door about the death of the tieflings’ sister. Rosie said that she’s sorry about them not getting a second chance, but there were occupational hazards involved in the job his sister had chosen to take.


The tiefling again asked for the name of his sister’s killer. He said that his sister was a hero when she died and asked what that made her killer. He asked one more time for the name, saying he would destroy the Brell name, and Nathan specifically, if he didn’t comply. Nathan still refused, and the men left.


The party talked about what they had just dealt with, and about how they would have to stop the men. Nathan also wondered aloud if he was on the right side. The rest of the group told him that there weren’t any sides, and that they’d be with him to stop whatever the men were planning.


Nathan then asked to talk to Rosie, while Primeheart and Kali went to make tea. Nathan asked Rosie if he’d done something wrong and what was wrong, because she was not acting like herself.


She replied that she was just bitter about not getting what she wanted, what she couldn’t get that others could. She vented about feeling bitter that she did not get to be happy like everyone else. Nathan asked, pointedly,  who she wrote about in her love songs and Rosie claimed she couldn’t tell him who. She said she always set up the people she cared for with other people. She did it because she knew she couldn’t make them happy for long. Goblins didn’t have long lives.


Nathan put two and two together, and asked if it was Finkoo or Daisy. Or possibly if it was him or Mari. Rosie’s composure broke and she fled the room as she cried out that she needed to leave. Nathan hurriedly apologized for pushing her, but Rosie ran from the room. Mari and Finkoo saw Rosie leave and Finkoo followed her. Mari went to Nathan to ask what had happened. Nathan told Mari what Rosie had shared with him.


Finkoo followed Rosie and tried to comfort her as best as he could. He did not believe that she was okay, even when claimed she was. He just offered to be there for her for as long as she needed him. He tried to help her deal with her feelings by giving her a hug and some corny jokes. Rosie asked if he was happy. Finkoo said he was getting there, and asked Rosie the same question. She said wasn’t happy. Finkoo hugged her and replied that they’d need to work on that.


Kali and Primeheart talked a little about their own feelings. Primeheart admitted that he saw Kali as a coping mechanism within the group. After some more talking about feelings, Kali asked Primeheart out to dinner for a real date. He accepted. Kali also suggested going to check the boatlift, but Primeheart said he was not too interested in going, but would go if she wanted to check on that.


Just before sundown at the boatlift, Kali and Primeheart were the only ones to see and hear what happened. The sounds of trees felling, along with the wood of the old boatlift cracking and breaking as it grew into the form of the boatlift. The whole boatlift was gradually shaped and created from Ironwood, an incredibly strong wood that had more than enough strength to be used for the boatlift. It seemed to look like it would still work the same way, just more organically.


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