Ep 57: "Awkward Positions"

The morning of Renaris 24th, Cyl received a Sending from her mother telling her that the Goa would be staying in their boat for the next few days. They wanted to gauge the reaction of the city. Cyl had spent her time, since the boat appeared, cleaning herself and her living space of the paint she normally had adorning it.


Most of the others had uneventful mornings. Lark had Foster go around eating pumpkins. GB had spent some time trying to work as a candy striper at the clinic, but it hadn’t been working out. Finkoo was at work. Nathan tried to speak with Tybalt regarding the threat against his family’s name, but Tybalt wasn’t home. He painted his feelings out instead. Lark also gathered all of his art supplies and headed to Cyl’s studio.


Pip had been hanging out at Primeheart’s camp, hunting, but he realized that the fae root vegetables he had purchased were left in Nathan’s cellar. When he went to get them, he discovered that they were beginning to take root.


Pip and Nathan discussed the root cellar and what to do about it. They agreed that it seemed like an omen that foreshadowed bad things to come.They also had an awkward discussion about Nathan’s desire to kiss Mari—sort of. They decided to go talk to Cyl and see if they could go  with her to interact with the Goa.


The party met at Cyl’s Studio and found that she had cleaned up her art supplies. She seemed a tad stressed by the possibility of her mother, and whoever else, showing up and seeing how she was living. She claimed that she was just engaging in some early, early, early Spring cleaning. Cyl then received a Sending from her mother that said simply, “We’re coming.” Cyl climbed the building to watch their progress and the party continued to help clean the studio.


Three goa suddenly teleported into her studio on a magical, rune covered disk. They introduced themselves. Eiris Kine was a robed figure. Glint was a taller goa with an elongated neck, sunken eyes, a twisted mouth, and bronzing from back to legs, almost in the shape of wings. Windsor was carved as a man in a toga with fused legs, half of his face appeared worn or less carved, though the other was very detailed.


Eiris Kine introduced themselves to the party, minus Cyl who was on the roof, as Cyl’s mother. She also asked to be called Kine or Eiris Kine. She experimentally pet GB after much encouragement.


Cyl came back in, keeping herself physically apart from Eiris Kine. Windsor and Glint examined Cyl’s feet closely.  They wanted her to not wash her feet for a day, but Cyl suggested that they talk to Pinbol first. He might have a sample they could use instead. Eiris Kine joined the party to go to Pinbol’s tower, but Glint and Windsor went back to the ship to avoid being seen in public.


Eiris Kine walked slowly, patiently, to the tower. She seemed to be taking in everything about the city. Cyl pointed out the sites of her and party’s exploits in the city on the way. The party started getting into it, as well.


Mo answered the door, but didn’t know how to get in touch with Pinbol without the powder for the portal.  Pip remembered the back door entrance from the other day. Pip and Finkoo went through the backdoor of the tower, through a purple portal, to the up-up stairs.


Cyl and Eiris Kine talked. Kine seemed a little alien to the party, compared to Cyl. Goa culture’s perception of time was very elongated compared to the shorter lived races. Cyl explained that she followed the customs in Cinderhaven regarding time in order to help her understand the people. She also told Kine of the river in the Undermyst, under which was a huge sheet of Eirshale.


Eiris Kine told Cyl that Goa had seen the eirshale blight, but never dealt with a Goa becoming infected. Cyl also explained to Eiris Kine the process by which First and the other new-Goa had been created and the implications of the process – the loss of the original, sentient, being.


Pinbol came downstairs with Finkoo and Pip, greeted Eiris Kine, and handed over several samples of Blightshale. She thanked him, and Cyl did also. Cyl introduced Kali to her mother. Kali seemed somewhat taken aback and excused herself so Cyl and her mother could continue their conversation. Cyl’s mother expressed interest in learning more about Cyl’s friends


Lark had been helping Mo prepare elotes for the group. As the group ate, Eiris Kine asked each of them in turn and wanted to know what they felt their purpose was. Lark said his was to bring people joy. Pip’s was to hunt, to burrow, to make people laugh, and to protect.b Nathan wanted to acquire knowledge and create art. Kine mentioned he might think about becoming a teacher, which Nathan had never considered. Finkoo’s purpose was to create helpful things that would outlast him. She said he was, “A parent.” and he admitted, “I suppose, in a way.” Kali admitted that once she thought that her purpose aligned with those of her Order, but she disagreed with their methods.


A discussion ensued about Kali’s disparity of beliefs with her Order. Kali felt that the Goa were not abominations that needed to be destroyed. She did feel that Eirshale should not be used for any purpose; it should be left alone. Were it to be used, it should be used to create life, not as tools or as advancements in technology.


Kine explained the Goa philosophy towards Eirshale, that they were a part of it and had a right to it. In the creation of a Goa, every piece of castoff was used for some purpose. They hadn’t harvested from the earth in a great deal of time, most of the pieces were loose or had been moved by other parties. Kali also produced her Order’s holy text that she had taken and Kine commented that her Order would be looking for it.


Kine asked what the party did for fun. The slide was ultimately mentioned, which Kine partook of a a few times. They chatted and relaxed together.


Cyl took her mother aside to speak of Orrum. Kine’s demeanor stiffened as she explained he was banished for selling Eirshale along with Goa secrets on how to manipulate it. Cyl revealed his complicity in the sale of Eirshale to parties within the city. She also asked her mother about Orrum’s question regarding what happened to the Makers. Kine stated that their people’s history was available in places for those who asked, but the Goa did not like talking about it due to it being an “uncomfortable” conversation. When pressed, she revealed that a much older generation of Goa had risen up and “cleansed” the city. If Cyl wished to know, she could visit and ask the few Goa with memory remaining of that time.


Kine  finally hugged Cyl, with Pinból’s assurance that the Blight would not be transmitted unless other Goa touched Cyl’s feet, before she left. The Goa would be remaining for some time, able to move if their ship was in the way. They wanted to keep to themselves while visiting the city.


Back at her studio, Cyl grabbed a massive canvas for Lark. He painted Finkoo and Pip in the “Timeless Art of Seduction” pose on a chaise lounge. Mo had come with them, but freaked out a bit over the clutter in Cyl’s studio and cleaned up while Cyl was distracted teaching Nathan some of the finer points of sculpting. Kali also let Cyl do face paint on her after the two had a heart-to-heart.


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