Ep 6: "Sunflowers and Glitter"

Kasden 14, 1199


By the end of their first week as an active resistance cell, the Phoenix Dawn had realized that meeting somewhere relatively safe that wasn’t a resistance safe house would be smarter. They began meeting everyday at the Beer Forge for lunch and any members that were available would be there. This standing lunch date allowed the members to regularly meet without raising too many suspicions. They appeared to be a large group of friends meeting for a meal everyday. Ivy, the owner, would change a menu price and mark a table as “Rezerved” if they were free to talk. Otherwise, the cell would remain cautious during their talks at the bar. It was a wise, tactical decision on their part.  

The Beer Forge

On this day, six of the members met at the Beer Forge: Rosie, Pesk, Saxi, Owen, Mari, and Finkoo. Two days prior, on the 12th of Kasden, the Lockridge estate had been attacked with magic. The entire estate had been turned to bone. Though they had no part in it, the resistance leaders decided to have all the cells lay low for a few days and so this was the first day the group had met up since the magical event. The Phoenix Dawn members had realized that the structural change occurred when the hourglass on Tyrel’s calling card would have run out. They discussed the event over lunch at the Beer Forge.   While at the Beer Forge, Rosie helped Mari sells some of her sunflower wares and Finkoo decided to lighten the purse of one of Rosie’s buyers. Ivy happened to notice this occurring and had her workers clear the table for the group, including Finkoo’s fidget ball with which he constantly tinkers. Ivy had Finkoo’s ball given to the victimized patron as a “door prize” for being the millionth customer. Rosie was able to return the stolen money to the victim and smooth things over so that Finkoo got his fidget ball back. Seeing all these events, Ivy decided to offer the group a job.   Ivy had struck a deal with another merchant to acquire some goods, but the other party had backed out of the deal after taking her money and confirming the deal with a handshake. She had no receipt or contract, so the city could do nothing to get her money back or the goods in question. The group agreed to get the goods for her in exchange for 18% of her profits, split evenly between food credit and money. She was owed them after all.   After being given the necessary details, the group headed to the Crescent dock to look for the caravel named Grindall with its dragonborn captain Jinroth Marqrin. They knew that the crate marked “ZOZO” was likely to be on the third level of the ship and borrowed a cart from one of Mari’s merchant contacts.  

The Docks

At the dock, the group found that the ship was mostly empty of crew. The half-orc bosun was yelling orders on the dock, but the captain was not there. Owen distracted the bosun by discussing some sort of clandestine deal that his boss has sent him on. Luckily, the bosun had been given something to hand off to a man named Juice and assumed that Owen was this person. Owen traded him a vial of sunflower oil, without telling him what it was, and the half-orc gave him a scroll. Meanwhile, Saxi flew Rosie and a rat wild-shaped Mari over to a porthole on the side of the ship along with a rope. Saxi joined Owen and Pesk on the dock while Finkoo climbed onto the ship along the rope that Mari and Rosie had secured inside the captain’s room.   After sneaking aboard, and convincing the bosun to let them aboard, the group was able to get to the “ZOZO” crate on the third level. A well placed silence spell and sleep spells allowed them to get around the two crew members in their way and acquire the juice. The sneakier members got the juice crates out through the porthole again, while the rest went back passed the bosun. They were caught with the crates by a dock master, but Owen’s quick thinking allowed the group to bribe him with one of the crates of “ZOZO” and they were able to return to the Beer Forge with the goods for Ivy.    

Full Episode

Broadcast Date

August 14, 2018  


Rosie , Pesk , Saxi , Owen , Mari , Finkoo  





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