Ep 66 "Burning Down the House"

Kali spent her morning working on the house/temple she had rented from Boss. Mari decided to go help at the Nature Temple, after what had happened the previous night. Owen had been training his part of the militia at the barracks that had been established so far. Finkoo spent the morning working on constructing the rifle, using the plans from Micky. He also managed to create 3 cartridges. Primeheart spent the morning before dawn, building a fence around his camp, fully defining his border. He then went to the Nature Temple, before heading to Kali’s temple. He had not seen her for several days.


Primeheart asked Kali about how her worship was done , as he wants to learn about it. Kali told him about the prime gods and how to be connected with all of them. She talked about centering yourself and feeling your bare feet connected to the earth, the celestial egg. Each segment being part of the whole. As they spoke, the two eventually embraced, and joined together on the floor of the temple.

Nathan went looking Owen in the morning. Nathan asked to talk while sparring and Owen agreed. Owen spent his time avoiding Nathan’s strikes, dodging and ducking until Nathan got frustrated in his strikes and eventually made a strike too powerful. Owen knocked him onto his ass and told him that step one was learning to control his anger.Then he spent some time teaching Nathan some basic techniques.

As the group step into the Beer Forge, they were all met with the smell of the bomb Yoth had thrown. Ivy asked Finkoo if the bomb had been his design, which it wasn't, and if he knew who actually made it. He managed to find a makers’ mark that said TTG. The group put their heads together and realized that it could be Tinker The Goblin, and Finkoo asked if they could go and check. Before the group left Kali went to Ivy, and apologized for what she saw as wasting a gift. Ivy responded that it wasn’t intentional and Kali didn’t need to apologize.

As the group got ready to leave, an auburn-haired woman came in and dropped a letter on the counter. Owen recognized them as Red as they left, without acknowledging the group. Kali went after her, but couldn’t keep track of her in the crowd. The group started to make their way to the Green Iron Village. As they walked through the city,  Primeheart made a point to go and find diamonds for Revivify.

As the group got to the goblin village, they saw the Goblins putting up signs and fences around the camp. After some questions to Boss, they found out that Tinker absolutely did make the stinky paint bomb and everything was requested by Yoth. Boss also showed his Rub-A-Scrub statue to them. The group then gave alternative ideas for what the statue could be modeled after, one of those being GB instead of Boss. As the group headed back into town, they saw a large tower of smoke in the distance.


After making their way through the city into the Pearl District, they found out that it was Nathan’s house completely engulfed in flames. After attempting to put the fires out, the group saw the Tiefling and Goliath, Akmon and Chicken Fingers, watching the fire. The guard went over after the group and Owen asked them to question the pair.

The two eventually came over, and once again asked for the name of the guard. The group refused to give it to them, and told them to leave. They kept poking for a little longer, and Primeheart eventually gave them the name Duella, Ackmon’s sister, as being responsible for all this mess. The two also said they were heading out of town. They admitted to dragging Nathan’s family name through the mud, then Owen asked the guards to arrest them. The guards produced a decree from Anica that the two men were not to be touched.


Ackmon also revealed that the fire had been an illusion. He dismissed it to show the Brell Estate still standing and in one piece. He informed the group that he shared the same patron as Nathan. He mentioned that a “little bird” had given him a lot of information on Nathan and the group.

After the group reluctantly let the two leave, Owen tried to get a meeting together for Pinból, Tybalt, and the party to talk about this new information. Finkoo also used this intermittent time to go and report to Ivy, about who made the ball, before heading back to the group.

The group met and discussed the new information. During the meeting it was discovered that all of the Dawn have the same protections as Ackmon and Chicken Fingers do, meaning without any physical damage there was nothing they could do legally to that group. They were at an impasse. Tybalt and Pinból also agreed to do an investigation into Ackmon’s, but even with that they still could do nothing about it. As the meeting came to an end, the group wondered if Daisy or Rosie were the “little bird”. The group split and half went to the Council while the other half went to the Chalice to start sparring. Nathan, Owen, and Mari went to the Council. Primeheart, Kali, and Finkoo went to the Chalice.


The Council group got a meeting with Anica. Nathan asked why she wanted the business, and she responded that it was to get it out of the hands of Nathan’s family, to help her people who were starving. Nathan tried to understand this, and told her that all he wanted between them was to have  no bad blood or grudges. Then he asked her to treat the family business well, and that he thought she would. After testing Nathan’s resolve, she showed him papers that gave him 50% of the business back the day after she took it. She also said that he could still be lead artist. She apologized for testing him, but needed to do it in order to know she could trust him. Nathan later explained this to Owen, who had stormed out during the testing.

During the sparring at the Chalice, the Vessel appeared to Kali, Primeheart and Finkoo. She asked about Nathan’s brother, meaning Ackmon, since the two shared a patron. She told the group that they were hoping that Ackmon and Nathan would get along, so that they could work together to keep the portal open. Their patron didn’t want it closed. She told them that they would just have to bring out the big guns to stop them…


As the Vessel turned away, Kali angrily stepped forward, ready to attack. Luckily, she managed to ground herself and wait for the moment to pass.


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