Ep 76: "Save Face and Watch Your Hands"

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Finkoo took the day off of work after the previous day’s occurrence. He went to the Greasers’ Union to talk to Nyx. He found them in their Bridget persona and asked to chat with them. He proceeded to sternly tell them that their lack of conviction to the Nature Temple was hurting relations between the group and the city. He suggested either putting their time in or apologizing for having avoided responsibility.   Nyx said that they already had so much work, with the jobs they did to pay for their family’s living expenses, that any more work would burn them out. Finkoo retorted that they shouldn’t have offered the hours if that was the case and Nyx admitted that they didn’t think it through before, then they stalked off back to work. Finkoo went to the Beer Forge to wait for the others.   Kali woke up at the Skyroot Estate to find Primeheart making tea and nursing scarred knuckles. When asked, he admitted that he went on a more primal hunt and wasn’t able to find game, so he took his aggression out on a tree. He was very upset by the news about Oisin’s death the day before and admitted that he loved them like a brother. She then nursed his knuckles as she asked if he would mind her moving into his camp. Overjoyed, he admitted that he wouldn’t mind and that he would have to make it more cozy for her. The two decided to make their way into town and focus their efforts on moving Kali into the camp.   Owen used the funds he had acquired to rent an apartment near the Dawn District and purchased arms and armor, to more fit his role. Nathan went to Arland’s to find an undead eye within a gem. Arland was unperturbed and supplied the ingredient with ease.Nathan asked about a magical item called an Ersatz Eye and Arland informed him that he was banned from selling magical items, because the Sub Rosarium had a monopoly on such transactions. If Nathan wanted to purchase such a thing, he would have to go to another city such as Highwater.  

The Beer Forge

Finkoo was quietly drawing while he waited. Kali and Primeheart entered and admitted they were tired from the night before and also from moving Kali’s things that morning. They talked at length about Ezra and his motivation for refusing future resurrections. Owen entered wearing a shiny full breastplate, complete with a shield. Nathan entered and apologized for missing practice with Owen that morning.   Nathan engaged Finkoo in conversation and the halfling was surprisingly open to talking. He admitted that he regretted telling Oisin about the clock. Nyx walked in as Bridget and joined the group. They were short with her, for the most part. The group decided to talk to Bezel, the faerie dragon leader of The Timekeepers. As the group walked to the Clover House, Owen disguised his armor to look like common clothing. Nyx also changed into Thomas.  

Pearl District - Clover House

Within was a large desk with two separate bowls of mints. Behind it was a koi pond. Mi, a person with a suit and a pixie-cut hairstyle stood close by. The group told Mi that they wanted to deliver a package. The attendant left, but soon returned and informed the party that they could leave the item, then schedule a meeting with Bezel.The group asked if they could purchase something and also deliver the package personally. Mi went away and soon came back with an agreement.   Through double doors was a bar and a table with cards splayed on it. At the bar was a half-orc man in a tight tuxedo. Bezel introduced himself once again and asked what the group wanted. Kali introduced herself in Draconic. Owen presented the dark tools to Bezel and was told that they were cursed. Thomas/Nyx offered Bezel the electrum coin, that they had received from the sabertooth tabaxi of the Shovel Tusks, as a gift. Bezel took it and curled on top of it, pleased.   Owen brought up the spider-emblem group with guns, which Bezel revealed to be called “The Cylinder.” An offer was needed for more information. Thomas/Nyx shifted to impress the dragon, but the half-orc shifted as well, revealing Xylar, the old quarry of Primeheart who had attacked Seldanna. Owen reacted by telling Primeheart to hold off on anything he was going to do. Primeheart simply reacted by mouthing “Found you” to the changeling, who smiled in turn.   They informed the dragon that they knew how to get to the Undermyst and the Shadowfell. He was unimpressed with the former, but very interested in the Shadowfell. Owen showed the necrotic unicorn horn, proving his word. Bezel was willing to deal. The dragon didn’t know the identities of the Cylinder, but he had something else to offer. Bezel told Xylar to give Owen an envelope that revealed the Timekeepers had Amy, the sentient Nocturne, in a cell. The Timekeepers also had another gift, a gun from the Cylinder.   The group discussed and agreed to his terms. Bezel explained that The Cylinder was an organization that had appeared within the last 20 years. They may have been closely tied with the king and were in charge of the Nocturne. Their weapons were arcane in nature as well as metal. The Nocturne had 100 traditional models, 3 sergeants, and 1 lieutenant. The lieutenant was Amy. The Cylinder seemed to be readying for something. Owen revealed to Bezel where the portal was and how to get to it. He also informed the dragon that there was a “mean bitch of a devil demon” that needed to be repelled from the portal in order to enter. The group was given a lockbox containing the gun. It was hollow, containing a floating red crystal.   As the group made their way down to Amy, Finkoo snuck over to a clock he had previously fixed and noticed that it said “Never forget.” He asked Bezel what it meant, to which Bezel replied, irritated, “I don’t remember” while staring daggers at the halfling. Kali threatened Xylar, saying that while Primeheart was dangerous, she was the one to watch out for.   They were lead down a torchlit stairwell, and ended up in front of a large cage with a 3-foot marked barrier around it. Amy, in full armor, laid in the center near a water bowl and a plate of untouched food. The group tried to contact her, to little effect. After some verbal prodding, saying that they are there to rescue her, she rose and admitted that she failed to save the king. She was created to protect the king, tied to him magically, and wouldn’t exist if he wasn’t still alive. She needed to get to him and protect him.   Asked by the group, she informed them that the Cylinder were “[the Nocturne’s] keepers”. The party admitted that the king might not mean well for Cinderhaven, but Amy said that she cannot disobey the king. She will, however, try to not act unlawfully.   As the party made their way towards the exit, Primeheart, clutching the box to his chest, asked what he should do with the gun. Amy, hearing this, reached her hand through the bars and the box began to shake. Primeheart, panicking, shoved it in his bag of holding and then made his way away through a portal. The rest of the group followed, exiting into the sewers through a door that, when not held open, closed permanently.  


Primeheart didn’t want the box with the gun, but when the group seemed to want to have it, he instead chose to keep it and hide it at his camp. Nyx turned into Dell, the elf persona, and walked away. Owen chose to go on a lone walk as well. Nathan went back to his Estate to check on Mari, who had a cold. Finkoo lingered long enough to share a hug with Primeheart and Kali. The duo then made their way to the Temple of the Prime Gods to prep the room for Amy. Nyx as Dell went to the Temple District, to the Nature Temple. Within they gave a message from Bridget to a priest about hours and that she would be busy for the rest of the week.    

Full Episode


Broadcast Date

November 29, 2018  


Finkoo, Kali, Nathan, Nyx, Owen, Primeheart  





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