Ep 79: "Ruby in the Rough"

Wearis 28, 1199


Owen looked into the Handmaidens of the Cord, so Nathan trained with someone else. Rosie went to speak with Finkoo at the Greaser’s Union and said that she needed his help for something important. She dragged him to Nathan’s estate, took all the left pairs of shoes, tied the strings together with bow, carried his paintbrushes outside, and put them down below his window. Finkoo helped her, reluctantly, and they took Nathan’s shoes to Mari’s shop and hid them.   Rosie asked what he had been working on and he was vague. He didn’t want to tell her he was working on gun. She wore him down and they raced back to the Greaser’s Union so he could show her. He revealed what he had so far of the gun pieces.   Kali scraped barnacles at the dock and flirted with the dock hands. Saxi worked her sign spinning job. Owen went back to the barracks and discovered Nathan taking a break...on his butt.  

The Beer Forge

Finkoo and Rosie arrived first and danced on the table together. Swazi showed up and danced with them for a bit as well. Owen and Kali showed up, followed by Saxi and Nathan. Kali was drenched from swimming and so Owen used Prestidigitation to dry her off.   There was a table of strange people in the bar that day. There was a gray dwarf less stout than usual, wearing huge skull pauldrons with boots made of bear claws and rib bones protruding from the shield. He had a huge sword against the wall next to him. There was also a halfling, bald with huge bags under the eyes, in a leather outfit, a blue glove on his right hand, and a cane. Rosie wanted to go over and bother the two men.   While the group discussed whether to speak with them, Kali got up and said hello. The halfling tried to give her the hint that they were not wanting to talk, but Kali went anyway. Th dwarf didn’t speak, but the halfling said business brought them to town. She introduced herself and the halfling ignored her at first but later gave his name as Kastran. Nathan studied the strange hand of the halfling from a distance and realized that it was likely a prosthetic.   Two more strange people walked in and went to join the two men. A woman in all black and pieces of jewelry. She was a fallen aasimar with a veil and almost looked like she was in mourning. The second woman looked like an undead at first.The group realized that it was a changeling in it’s true form. The changeling had a circlet of thorns, long blonde hair, and was cradling a sword. Almost like she was carrying it for someone else.   Nathan stopped the women and asked about the sword, but the changeling turned away. He said he was interested because of the weapon’s beauty and the woman with the veil introduced herself as Envarum. The changeling was named Yin and they were with one of the adventuring guilds, Bad Company.   Finkoo asked about what it took to join Bad Company so Envarum put a kitten, a copper coin, and a dagger on the table. Finkoo and the others hesitated. Saxi reached for the kitten and it disappeared. It had been a summoned creature. Kali got up and left, discovered Binxie looking for Waffles, and helped him find his mount.   The group discussed whether to form their own adventuring group. Saxi mentioned what Kurt said about a council meeting being held soon to start voting on details about the guilds. They also discussed how to get Juveha out of the gem. Then, Anica walked in with two men and joined the people from Bad Company. She waved at Nathan and the group as she passed.   Binxie used his abilities to allow Nathan to cast Sending and Nathan cast the spell to try and reach Seldanna. It failed part way through, just like it had for Pinból. Wherever she was, the spell could not go through to her.   Bad Company left and Anica spoke to Ivy before joining the group at their table. She told them that Bad Company was lobbying for their group in the Steel Syndicate. They were trying to get more for their group specifically and told Anica that they were willing to sweeten the pot for her. Kali asked Anica about the Handmaidens of the Cord and she said that she’d heard of it, but did not think it had been around for a long time. She knew of them from history books, but was willing to ask around for the group.   Anica told the group about the regulations being set up fo the adventuring guilds. The guilds wanted a lot of things and the city wanted at least 7000gp as a sign up fee from the guilds. Anica asked why the group didn’t want to join one of the two guilds and then left. After she left, the group decided to go talk to Earl about the handmaidens and see if he knew anything.  

Birchfield Seekers’ Ship

The group arrived on the rowboat and Chibs helped everyone up. Finkoo was very interested in the mechanical ship and Maerryl offered to have Chibs give him a tour. Earl was willing to talk to the group and they went to speak with him. He remembered that Juveha’s last name was simple, but Amy stepped forward and said that he was wrong. She had been told by Donovan to know as much as possible about the people around the King, so she had looked into Juveha as well. She said that Juveha’s real name was Juvehana(Ju-vay-ana) Hargrave.   Rosie used Sending to speak with Juveha and it went through, but there was no response. So the group knew that wherever Seldanna was being held, it was not likely to be in a gem like Juveha. They got ready to head back to Pinból’s to free Juveha.   Nathan stayed behind for a moment to speak with Earl. He admitted that for a long time he wanted to kill Earl and that it had been hard to understand that it wasn’t actually Earl’s fault. Nathan said he was sorry and that he forgave Earl for what he had done when controlled by Donovan. They parted on good terms.  

Pinból’s Tower

The group got to Pinból’s and took the gem holding Juveha. Worried about what would happen when the spell was broken, they decided to go to Kali’s temple to free her. Just in case anything exploded or had a negative effect.  

Kali’s Temple

The group went to the guest room upstairs. Saxi put the gem holding Juveha on the bed and said her true name. The stone burst open and Juveha appeared ready to fight. She quickly showed her relief at seeing the group and ran to them saying that someone had Seldanna. She began describing the people who took Seldanna and the group quickly realized that she was describing the members of Bad Company.  

Full Episode

coming soon

Broadcast Date

December 4, 2018  


Saxi, Kali, Nathan, Rosie, Finkoo, Owen  




  • The Beer Forge
  • Birchfield Seekers' Ship
  • Pinból's Tower
  • Temple District


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