Ep 81: "Table for Two"

Fimaris 7, 1199


Pip spoke with Ash about sock puppets. He gathered a little info about Champion by asking for details to create the puppets. The description was oddly familiar, but definitely not Pip.   Saxi met with Rydell and discussed plans for Jastra’s rescue. Seldanna overheard a bit of conversation. Rydell had information on Akamon, a trader, with a diamond that Bad company wanted in exchange for Jastra. Saxi filled him in on the group’s history with Akamon, but promised to do everything she could to make the trade happen and get Jastra out. She left for the Beer Forge and Seldanna followed her.    

The Beer Forge

At the Beer Forge, Pip was paid by Ivy for his breakfast ideas that she had used. She also paid him for the use of his likeness and showed him her newest creation. It was a rolled waffle with a strawberry for a head and berries for feet, covered in powdered sugar. It looked a lot like a white Farrosh. She said he could name the creation and he called them PipTubes. He was paid and would now be famous, or at least that’s how he saw it.   Lark bought in Snow candy, which was molasses cooled on top of snow. Everyone tried the PipTubes and agreed they were tasty.Seldanna and Juveha also joined the others. The group finished eating and left to meet with Akamon at The Bargain Barge.  

Bargain Barge

Akamon’s entire group was there, including Red and the Cowboy. Saxi made sure to express cleary that the party was there to discuss business and not for any kind of a fight. The group told Akamon that they would not give up the name of who killed his sister, but that they could offer things that Rydell could provide.   Akamon said that he had two diamonds, one smaller and one larger. Bad Company wanted the larger one, so the group asked about it. Akamon said that he would need a part of his sister in order to use the smaller one to bring her back. He needed the larger one if he could not get a piece of his sister.   The group agreed to try to find part of his sister. In exchange, Akamon would let the group purchase the large diamond for Rydell. The party also agreed to buy Red a new dress to make amends for Yoth’s actions. The group headed back to the Beer Forge to ask Ivy what had happened with the bodies. They would meet Akamon at the Blackthorn Tavern later.  

The Beer Forge

Ivy said that a strange man had come in and pruchased the bodies from her. She described the fey creature from the pumpkin debacle, and current winter court Fey, Hazamoo Hiduboo. Ivy handed the group a holly sprig with a bell attached. Mari took it, careful not to ring the bell by accident. No one was pleased with this development, but they decided to head to Kali’s temple to ring the bell in private.  

Kali’s Temple

At the temple, the group rang the bell and the Fey creature appeared as a snowman. The snow melted away to reveal Hazamoo Hiduboo. He put a hat on, then stuck the holly and bell into his hat.   He said he had the “meat balls” in question, five of them in total. The group tried to figure out which was Akamon’s sister. Mari finally recalled the unique horn color and details of her appearance, so the group was able to tell Duella from the rest. The group made a deal with the Fey to acquire all five of the bodies, in exchange for one night’s dreams from all six of the party members present.

Blackthorn Tavern

The group met with Akamon and his group. After being shown the diamond, the group made the trade in good faith. All five bodies were traded for the ability to buy the large diamond. The Cowboy and the Cloaked one went with the group to the Arasys Estate.   The Cowboy spoke with them on the way. His group would be in town for two weeks at the Blackthorn Tavern. He hoped things could be better now between the two groups, maybe friends in the future if everything could be smoothed over.   The Cowboy said that the party would not be asked about the name anymore, but they may still seek the person out on their own, leaving the party out of it. Everyone also apologized several times for what Yoth did to Akamon and his group. Rydell paid the fee of 25,000 gold and the group was given the diamond.  

Guildsman’s District

The group went back to the warehouse to meet with Bad Company. Seldanna used Sending to give them a heads up that the party was on their way. Kastran accepted the trade of the diamond for Jastra. Lark was there to immediately pick her up and carry her home.   Pip tried to go back with Juveha to find out what the large diamond was for, but didn’t get much information. Pip was told it was needed to open a door. Jastra showed Lark the letter he wrote her and said she had something of a gift for him as well, Lark told her to rest for the moment.  

Arasys Estate

Upon reaching the Arasys Estate, Jastra asked why they were there. She had thought she was being brought to Lark’s home. After some confusion she said she would let Rydell know that she was going to Lark’s house instead. Lark told Jastra that he only had a treehouse to live in. When Jastra was getting off of Foster to head inside, Mari and Kali noticed that Jastra was showing baby bump. More confusion and shock ensued. Seldanna decided this was too much and left to stay with Mari.   Jastra said that this wasn't the way she wanted Lark to find out, she had wanted it to be in private. Lark was really happy and excited. He began to overthink all the things that now need to happen in preparation.  

That Night

All six of the party members did not sleep well due to giving up their dreams. Everyone had different levels of exhaustion upon waking. Saxi was the worst off and couldn’t even move the next day. No one escaped the payment to the fey.  

Optional to do list

  • Close the portal to the Shadowfell
  • What are the "new" Goa up to? No one has heard from them in awhile
  • Form our own guild or decide to join one of the existing ones
  • Possibly look into Ash to find out more about the Champion
  • keysmith?
  • components for unicorn horn wand thing
  • head to mountains, (long trip), map to explore, not in the winter.

Broadcast Date

December 11, 2018  


Saxi , Mari , Kali , Lark , Seldanna , Pip  




  • Arasys Estate
  • The Beer Forge
  • The Bargain Barge
  • Guildsman's District
  • The Blackthorn Tavern
  • Kali's Temple


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