Ep 16: So it's a date?

Several important events happened before the group even met for lunch. Pesk and Saxi, helping at Owen’s clinic, saw a gnome brought in suffering from Daydream. His symptoms were the most severe that Holly or Owen had seen. Pip was working at the dock and keeping an ear out for rumors about the Nocturne. Pip learned that the Nocturne sometimes disappear around this time of year for special “training”. He also learned that sometimes people have been able to break curfew if they could get a crowd together to go out celebrating the king. Seldanna learned that the king’s guard had started as the biggest and brightest. The king summoned them and he also made a deal with a Goliath tribe. The Nocturne are magical but also resistant to magic.

Nathan’s uncle cornered him and told him to pursuit Seldanna or marry someone else with money. The Brell family’s survival depended on it. Preston also admitted that the king gives final approval on maps that are distributed to the country, but if Preston had his way all the maps would be accurate. Similarly, Seldanna’s mother cornered her and demanded that Seldanna write a list of five names of men from her party that she would find suitable. Jastra also told her that Tybalt had to be one of the names. Seldanna’s father also gave her a mithril necklace with a beautiful pearl on it.

Pesk offered to help the gnome at Owen’s clinic and Holly got very angry. She started talking about how the other people were killed by healing magic. Owen pulled her aside to try and reason with her or calm her down, but she brushed him off. Saxi and Pesk waited until the gnome was near death before they tried using healing magic. Saxi tried her lay on hands ability instead of lesser restoration and Pesk used spare the dying. The gnome seemed to recover, but then stiffened and died. They tried more healing magic, but it did not work.

A water genasi arrived at the clinic and introduced himself as Juice. He wanted the item that Owen had collected in his place from the bosun. Owen and Juice negotiated and Owen gave back the powder. It turned out to be a mineral called earthbind. Juice agreed to look for information on who is creating the tainted Daydream if Owen would talk to Saxi about acquiring goods that are found on Lamina Island.

Pip arrived at the clinic as Juice was leaving, and tried to warn Owen about a man asking about him at the dock. He wanted to protect Owen from this man looking for him. Pip and Saxi met adn then worked together to go over the list of items Juice wanted. The button leeches could only be found on Lamina Island, the Velvet Cast wouldn’t be available until Saxi molted in a few months, and the Fenojex sounded familiar to Saxi but she could not place it. Pip recognized the Fenojex as being the technical name for the excretions from his scent glands. Pip went to the outhouse and supplied Owen with a sample of the Fenojex. Owen looked in the gnome’s pockets while Pip was in the outhouse and found a vial of red liquid that looked like strange Daydream.

Everyone went to the Tea Garden. Nathan was there first and Seldanna arrived to find Nathan more put together than usual and clean shaven. The rest of the group arrived and they discussed the newest developments. They also discussed who they might be able to trust and whether they should tell the new Goa exactly how they were created. The general agreement was that telling the new Goa might be bad considering some of the things First had said.

Pip jumped in the river to clean up and saw the new Goa running passed on his way back into the Tea Garden. He started following the Goa and the others, after they realized that he was not back yet, followed him as well. They realized as they were following the Goa that the gnome back at Owen’s must have been changing.

At Owen’s, the arrived to find First kneeling next to the gnome. He declared that the new Goa’s name was Allure and made him very attractive and pleasant looking. He had a very charismatic demeanor and told them to call him Al. Wit collected the hair from Allure’s transformation and asked about the hair from when she and Might transitioned. It had been thrown out as far as the group knows.

Juice showed up at Owen’s and was impressed that he had gotten ahold of the Fenojex. Juice informed Owen that he had looked into the tainted Daydream and gotten a name for who is tampering with it. He said it was a group called “Victor”. Nathan pulled Seldanna aside and awkwardly asked her out to tea. She said yes.


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