Order of the Dragon Sentinel

A monastic order from Northern Aluma, the Dragon Sentinel are charged with protecting the eggshell of the Divine Mother Dragon, eirshale.

Public Agenda

To protect and keep safe natural deposits of Eirshale from those who would exploit them.

Mythology & Lore

The Great Dragon Mother, Elumir'aruna, blew fire and breathed into creation, Lia, Light's Embrace.   Elumir'aruna laid the egg of the world, and created Nature's Bounty, Uhn, the infrastructure needed to create life.   The Life Seed, Ura, was born created sentience. Granting those creations curiosity and a thirst for knowledge.   Ixo, The Knowledge Bringer, was created shaped civilization and taught them to create.   Society was brought to new heights with the birth of The HearthForge, Tem.   Civilization was then allowed to discover the secrets of The Arcane Eye, Kas, and they used it to expand their potential.   As their understanding grew, so did their desire and ambition. Twl, The Everchanging, was born, introducing them to Trickery.   Trickery bred with confusion and gave birth to Tempest, Isa, The Oncoming Storm.   The resulting chaos, sparked War, and Ren, The Fury came to be.   As the first casualty fell, Wea, Shepherd of the Grave, was formed to escort fallen across the veil.   Where finally Fim, Death's Keeper, had always been waiting for them in the darkness.   And so the cycle is again reborn in the Dragon Mother, and at the end of the wheel of the year, we look to Elumir'aruna and give thanks.

Tenets of Faith

The Mother Dragon birthed the world and the gods - a divine dragon for each domain - both chromatic and metallic alike.


Those who use and exploit eirshale should be punished.   -The Goa are abominations who should be hunted down and destroyed.
Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Sentinel
Notable Members


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