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This is a world building project for my ongoing DnD campaign - the world dragon. Expect DM notes within.   Sentence:   Erek Thul , the lord of dragons, wants to deliver the Prime Material Plane to Tiamat using the scales of Io to empower her to defeat Bahamut during the planar conjunction but the scales were lost millennia ago.   Someone wants something badly and is having difficulty getting it   Theme:   Hubris leads to nemesis, Högmod går före fall   Clues to the scales existence have resurfaced and now the self-titulated Lord of dragons, disguised as the leader of a Church revering Io, desperately searches for the scales using both the official church forces and a secret organization known as the Tribunal led by a triumvirate of chromatic dragons. They are opposed by a secretive group of magic users known as the circle who are the only ones that know of the Tribunals existence