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Annellion, The Great Devourer

Anellion is an Ancient Red Dragon that calls Magal-Dul home. He is worshipped as a god by an army of kobolds who gather treasure throughout the Prima Islands for him. He sends out ships with kobolds in order to steal what they can and return in order to grow his massive horde. Annellion lives in an active volcano which is in a constant state of near eruption due to his mere presence. While calling it home the volcano is magically prevented from erupting. Merely just constantly streaming molten lava down its sides.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Annellion is a devious planner. Using only kobolds he has amassed a massive amount of wealth. It is said that even when his kobolds are sent out to die he still grows his horde.

Personality Characteristics


Anellions main goal is to amass as large a fortune as possible.
Current Location
Bright Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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