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The bugbear is the largest of the goblinoid races. Standing up to eight feet tall and covered in thick matted fur. Bugbears are generally much more ferocious than their smaller Kim. They would be a true scourge of the bred as quickly as their smaller cousins.

Basic Information


The bugbear is a hominid with excessively long arms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike most goblinoids bugbears do not have litters. Generally having one child at a time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bugbears are primarily carnivores. Eating whatever they can kill. Including other sentient races.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Bugbears Form tribes that hunt and raid. The strongest leading the group. They also are generally used as mercenaries by other goblinoid races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision 60 feet
Scientific Name
Harrus Goblinoid
60 years
Average Height
6 - 8 feet
Average Weight
250 - 350 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Generally black or brown skin covered in fur. In colder climates they can have white skin and fur.


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