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Luxoth, the Light Bringer

The Light Bringer Luxoth

Luxoth, the Light Bringer, is the god commonly credited with the creation of Lux, Vedunia's star and the Astral bodies directly surrounding Vedunia. Luxoth resides in his palace on Lux watching over all of the Astral bodies within his domain and bringing light to all those who need it. Luxoth is one of the primary deities within the Anglonian Pantheon.

Holy Books & Codes

The Light Bringer's Code, a code of rules and laws set forth by Luxoth. Generally the outline of how his followers should live there lives.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The main Symbol of Luxoth is a rising Sun.

Tenets of Faith

Luxoth and his follower believe in the power of light to rid the world of darkness, and the power of good to rid the world of evil.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Luxoth wears golden armor beaming with radiant white light. Anywhere Luxoth goes he is surrounded by a thousand foot sphere of daylight.
Divine Classification
Greater Diety
Known Languages
Luxoth speaks Allspeak, allowing him to be understood by any sentient being and Divin, allowing him to speak to the other gods.


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