10th Order - Ebon Hand


Formed by the divine edict of the Lord Avatar amid the expansive growth of the Obsidian Covenant and escalating heretic invasions, the Ebon Hand emerged not as mere warriors, but as vigilant sentinels of our faith-bound realm. From the valiant ranks of the Obsidian Path, stalwart defenders rose to quell the infidel onslaught, yet it was the Lord Avatar who ordained a more entrenched protection for our people, thereby giving birth to the Ebon Hand.   Chosen from the consecrated ranks of the Accepted of Obsidian, Melantha ascended as the Grand Marshal of the Ebon Hand, the revered champion entrusted with the cultivation and consolidation of the Order. With indomitable resolve and tireless diligence, she segmented our dominions into strategic regions, deploying formidable battalions with calculated precision.   Under her steadfast guidance, coupled with the divine will of Obsidian and the Lord Avatar, the Ebon Hand expanded its reach, casting a protective net across our territories. Today, their vigilant presence is rooted in every major city, their vigilant eyes and ears permeating even the most remote corners of the Covenant. Now, a day's journey from any point within our lands leads to the secure bulwark of the Ebon Hand's defenses. Thus, they stand as the unyielding guardians of our theocratic legacy, the impenetrable fortress of the Obsidian Covenant.  



Grand Marshal Melantha

Grand Marshal Melantha, the resolute helmswoman of the Ebon Hand, exemplifies stern leadership and unwavering discipline. Her mandate for stringent conduct is relentless, her tolerance for transgressions nonexistent. Within her ranks, she commands an atmosphere of respectful trepidation; her swift retribution is a legendary whisper among her warriors, a thunderous echo warning them of the costs of disobedience.   However, Melantha's severity does not come without justice. She tempers her formidable rule with a keen sense of fairness, measuring each punishment with a discerning eye. She is the scale and sword, a balance of stern judgment and swift action, an embodiment of discipline and consequence.   Her austere demeanor serves not merely to command, but to instruct, imparting to her warriors a model of conduct for their interactions with the Covenant's citizenry. Her code of swift retribution for infringements is a reminder to her soldiers of their duties, urging them to uphold justice and preserve the Covenant's sanctity.   Melantha's presence commands an aura of formidable respect, instilling fear and awe in all who encounter her. Yet, beneath this apprehension lies a palpable thread of trust. For within the obsidian walls of the Covenant, there is not a soul who doubts her commitment to their safety. Her stern visage is their fortress, her relentless discipline their shield. In Melantha, they see the embodiment of a safe haven, a stern guardian committed to shielding them from the storms that threaten their tranquil lives.
Military Order
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