1st Order - Obsidian's Fist


  Obsidian's Fist stands as the first and most formidable military order within the renowned Obsidian Covenant. Forged from the embers of the fallen Galahar kingdom, this elite force emerged, resolute in its mission to dominate the continent of Glerien. Through relentless conquests, they have become an indomitable force, leaving a trail of conquered kingdoms in their wake.   The Obsidian's Fist order prides itself on its unparalleled prowess across all realms of combat. Boasting the largest and most diverse army in the land, they have meticulously honed their skills and strategies to achieve an unrivaled level of expertise. Their sheer might and unwavering dedication are the hallmarks of their success.   Comprising an impressive force of over one hundred thousand soldiers, the standing army of Obsidian's Fist is divided into ten battalions. These battalions, meticulously assembled, embody a perfect fusion of discipline, tactical acumen, and unyielding tenacity. Each battalion is commanded by exceptional graduates from the esteemed Obsidian Monolith, ensuring that only the most skilled and battle-hardened leaders guide the relentless march of their forces.   As Obsidian's Fist advances, the very earth quakes beneath their formidable footsteps. Their arrows darken the sky, casting a foreboding shadow upon their adversaries. The thundering hooves of their horses resonate with an intimidating power, capable of shattering even the mightiest lines of enemy soldiers. No terrain, no defense, and no opposing army can withstand the onslaught of Obsidian's Fist.   Beyond their martial prowess, the order is known for its ruthless efficiency and unflinching loyalty to the Obsidian Covenant. Their disciplined ranks operate with a level of cohesion rarely seen elsewhere, executing their objectives with precision and unwavering resolve. The power of Obsidian's Fist is not merely a product of their military might, but also the unbreakable bonds forged within their ranks.   Obsidian's Fist, with its dark reputation, strikes fear into the hearts of those who dare oppose them. Their relentless drive for conquest, unrivaled combat proficiency, and unwavering allegiance to their cause make them the most feared and formidable military force in the land. The tale of their campaigns echoes throughout the ages, a testament to the might and malevolence of the Obsidian's Fist of the Obsidian Covenant.  


Ryshan Bythar

  Ryshan Bythar, the Grand Marshal of Obsidian's Fist, ascended to the esteemed position as the third successor after the tragic demise of Grand Marshals Pollard and Cynax, both of whom fell in combat. Known for his uncompromising and ruthless leadership style, Ryshan brooks no leniency, even for the slightest transgressions. His soldiers both respect and fear him, aware of the swift consequences that await any who dare to falter under his watchful gaze.   Ryshan's reputation as one of the greatest tacticians in the known world is well-earned. His strategic genius has propelled the battalions of Obsidian's Fist to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies. Under his command, the order has honed their discipline and training to an exceptional degree, becoming a formidable force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.   The unwavering enforcement of discipline and rigorous training practices instituted by Ryshan lie at the core of Obsidian's Fist's prowess. Every soldier within the order is instilled with an unwavering loyalty to the Covenant and a deep reverence for Ryshan's leadership. Such loyalty, coupled with the fear of retribution, ensures their unwavering adherence to the chain of command and the execution of their duties with utmost precision.   While fear may linger within their hearts, the soldiers of Obsidian's Fist recognize that questioning Ryshan's methods would be folly. His tactical brilliance has repeatedly demonstrated its efficacy, leading the order to resounding victories time and time again. The soldiers, cognizant of the immense power that lies within their Grand Marshal's strategic mind, place their unwavering trust in his decisions.   As the battalions of Obsidian's Fist continue to march, leaving destruction and conquest in their wake, it is the relentless discipline and unwavering training fostered under Ryshan's watchful eye that cements their reputation as an indomitable force. Their enemies tremble in the face of their ruthlessness, knowing all too well that they face not only the might of the order but also the strategic brilliance of Grand Marshal Ryshan Bythar.    

Organizational Structure




Equipment and Capabilties

Obsidian's Fist, as the foremost infantry and assault Order of the Covenant, boasts a diverse array of equipment and capabilities that enable them to dominate the battlefield. Born during the chaotic collapse of the old kingdoms, the order initially saw soldiers arriving with whatever equipment they could gather, leading to a tradition of varied gear among their ranks. While attempts at standardization have been made, Obsidian's Fist often finds itself reverting to cherished habits and traditions.   Amidst the eclectic assortment of equipment, soldiers within Obsidian's Fist have developed distinctive methods to identify one another amidst the chaos of battle. Banners, medallions proudly worn, and unique markings on their armor serve as recognizable symbols, forging a sense of unity and camaraderie within their ranks.   Among their formidable capabilities, Obsidian's Fist boasts the largest infantry and cavalry forces known in the world. Their infantry stands as an unwavering force, equipped with a blend of weaponry, from swords and axes to polearms and shields, tailored to adapt to various combat scenarios. Renowned for their unwavering discipline and relentless training, the infantry of Obsidian's Fist forms an impenetrable wall, capable of holding their ground against even the fiercest assaults.  
  However, it is their archer division that truly distinguishes Obsidian's Fist on the battlefield. Composed of master archers, these deadly marksmen deliver unparalleled support to the infantry. With expert precision and unmatched skill, their volleys of arrows rain down upon the enemy, decimating their ranks and sowing chaos amidst their formations. The archers' lethal accuracy serves to cripple and demoralize adversaries, allowing the infantry and cavalry to exploit weaknesses and secure resounding victories.  
  In addition to their exceptional archers, Obsidian's Fist deploys a formidable cavalry force. Mounted on powerful steeds, these swift and heavily armored riders possess unparalleled mobility and striking power. With their thundering hooves, they charge through enemy lines, shattering formations and creating chaos in their wake. The cavalry of Obsidian's Fist acts as a relentless hammer, exploiting vulnerabilities and ensuring the enemy is left with no avenue of escape.   Obsidian's Fist, armed with their unique blend of infantry, archers, and cavalry, form a harmonious war machine on the battlefield. Their lethal archer division, coupled with their disciplined infantry and mighty cavalry, allows them to dictate the flow of battle, ensuring victory in every field they encounter. The enemies of Obsidian's Fist quake in fear as they face an unstoppable force, bearing witness to the deadly combination of diverse equipment, renowned skill, and unwavering unity that defines this legendary military order.



Conquest of Galahar

As Galahar crumbled, Obsidian's Fist emerged as a fledgling force, consisting of only a few companies of soldiers. Obsidian's Fist pressed on, marching with determination. From Easwold to Fort Galahar, the young order gradually advanced, liberating town after town. The oppressed populace rejoiced at the downfall of their tyrannical rulers and hailed the arrival of the Obsidian Covenant. They bowed in the streets, paying homage to the men who had brought them freedom. Along their journey northward, the ranks of Obsidian's Fist swelled as countless individuals eagerly joined the Covenant's cause.  
  Their valiant march continued largely uneventful until they reached Fort Galahar, where the remnants of the fallen king's forces, accompanied by numerous civilians, sought refuge. Grand Marshal Pollard Marz, a commanding figure within Obsidian's Fist, issued an ultimatum, demanding the surrender of those within the fort. When the inhabitants refused, choosing to dig in for a prolonged siege, the Obsidian's Fist encircled the stronghold. They established tents, erected barricades, and prepared their formidable siege equipment.   Under the cover of night, the knights of Galahar launched a surprise assault on the camp of Obsidian's Fist. Grand Marshal Pollard valiantly led the defense of their encampment, but tragically fell in the midst of the furious combat. Witnessing his demise, one of his trusted commanders, Grand Exarch Ryshan, exacted vengeance upon the assailant and rushed to the fallen Grand Marshal's side. In his dying moments, Grand Marshal Pollard uttered his final command, "Burn it to the ground." Grand Exarch Ryshan dutifully conveyed these words to the other marshals, and without delay, the assault on Fort Galahar commenced.  
  With a fervor driven by the desire to avenge their fallen leader, Obsidian's Fist unleashed their wrath upon the fort. They breached the gateways with relentless force and set the entire stronghold ablaze. The flames engulfed the fortress for three consecutive days, consuming all those within. The civilians trapped inside were posthumously honored as heroes, and the Lord Avatar officially recognized them as being united with Obsidian.   This harrowing event cemented Obsidian's Fist's reputation as a ruthless and uncompromising military force, willing to exact vengeance upon their enemies with unyielding brutality. The haunting tale of the siege of Fort Galahar, forever associated with the burning command of their fallen Grand Marshal, serves as a reminder of the Covenant's unwavering dedication and the formidable might of Obsidian's Fist.  


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