3rd Order - Crimson Eclipse


The Crimson Eclipse blazes a fiery trail across the vast continent of Gweald, leaving destruction in its wake. With relentless fervor, they lend their formidable sapper and siege expertise to bolster Obsidian's Fist and the Blighted Citadel. These elite warriors are masters of breaching defenses, fearlessly scaling towering walls that stand as barriers to victory. When the thunderous roar of siege engines falters, the Crimson Eclipse emerges from the shadows, their crimson banners fluttering ominously in the wind. With blades honed to perfection and hearts ablaze with determination, they descend upon the beleaguered city or castle, unleashing an onslaught of unyielding chaos, for their method is personal and unforgiving. No obstacle can withstand the resolute might of the Crimson Eclipse, the very embodiment of conquest itself.



Grand Marshal Morwen Rynard

As the grand master of the Crimson Eclipse, Morwen Rynard commands the unwavering loyalty and respect of his warriors. His strategic acumen and unwavering confidence inspire those under his charge, rallying them to achieve greatness. His presence on the battlefield serves as a beacon of hope, infusing his troops with an indomitable spirit and an unshakable belief in victory.   Morwen's strategic brilliance extends beyond the confines of the battlefield. He is a master tactician in the halls of strategy and war planning, where he carefully crafts plans that ensure the continued success of the Crimson Eclipse. His ability to navigate intricate political landscapes and forge alliances further solidifies his position as a true master of tactics.   Morwen, the tactical genius and grand master of the Crimson Eclipse, stands as a testament to the power of intellect and leadership in the realm of warfare. His name echoes through the annals of history as a symbol of strategic brilliance, inspiring generations to come with his unyielding spirit and unwavering dedication to the art of war.    

Organization Structure



Equipment and Capabilities

Clad in blood-red cloaks that billow like fiery infernos and adorned with gleaming armor that reflects the sun's rays, the Crimson Eclipse emerges as a radiant beacon amidst the shadowy Orders of Obsidian. Their presence electrifies the battlefield, commanding attention with an aura of awe-inspiring power. Like avatars of war, their scarlet garments symbolize the blazing fury that engulfs their hearts, fueling their every action. With each step, the ground trembles beneath their boots, heralding their arrival as if the very earth itself quakes in anticipation of their glorious deeds. When the Crimson Eclipse marches forth, a crimson storm engulfs the battlefield, leaving behind only the echoes of triumphant battle cries and the remnants of fallen foes. They are not mere soldiers; they are veritable legends incarnate, and their legend is etched in the very fabric of war.



Conquest of Vale

The fall of Vale stands as an epic tale of relentless struggle and the triumph of unwavering determination. For years, the Blighted Citadel and Obsidian's Fist, two powerful forces in the kingdom, had relentlessly battered the walls of the seemingly impenetrable city. The defenders of Vale, bolstered by their formidable fortifications, repelled every assault with unwavering resolve.   The Blighted Citadel, known for its mastery of dark arts and strategic brilliance, devised intricate plans to breach the defenses of Vale. Their siege engines thundered, hurling mighty projectiles towards the unyielding walls. But try as they might, their efforts fell short, as the walls of Vale remained defiant, standing tall against the onslaught.   Obsidian's Fist, a formidable order of battle-hardened warriors, fought with unyielding might. They clashed against the defenders, their blades clanging against shields and armor, but the walls of Vale remained impervious to their valor. The defenders, driven by a fierce loyalty to their city, held their ground with unbreakable resolve.   In the darkest hour of the struggle, when victory seemed but a fleeting dream, the Crimson Eclipse emerged as a beacon of hope. Cloaked in crimson, these legendary warriors descended upon the battlefield, their very presence electrifying the air with anticipation. Their reputation preceded them, tales of their mastery of fire and their indomitable will spreading far and wide.   Without hesitation, the Crimson Eclipse plunged into the fray. They knew that to conquer Vale, they had to employ a more personal approach. With unwavering determination, they dug tunnels beneath the walls, sacrificing their own lives in the process. Valiant warriors of the Crimson Eclipse perished in the darkness, their blood staining the earth, but their sacrifice would not be in vain.   As the tunnels were complete, the Crimson Eclipse set their plan in motion. Flames danced upon their fingertips, igniting the combustible materials within the passages. The fires roared to life, their infernal tongues licking at the foundations of Vale's unyielding walls.   The defenders of Vale, unaware of the imminent danger lurking beneath their feet, were caught off guard as the ground trembled beneath them. The walls, weakened by the devouring fires, crumbled under the weight of the Crimson Eclipse's determination. The defenders fought desperately, but their resistance was futile.   With the walls breached, the armies of the Blighted Citadel and Obsidian's Fist surged into Vale like a tidal wave, their determination renewed by the Crimson Eclipse's sacrifice and the fiery path they had forged. The defenders, overwhelmed and outnumbered, could not withstand the unified onslaught. Vale, once an impregnable fortress, now lay at the mercy of the conquerors.   The fall of Vale echoed throughout the kingdom, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to accept defeat. The Crimson Eclipse's contribution became the stuff of legends, their sacrifice and mastery of fire forever etched into the annals of history. Their name would be remembered as the catalyst that shattered the invincibility of Vale, bringing about a new era of triumph and proving that even the mightiest walls can crumble when faced with unwavering determination.  

Gold Canyon Campaign

As the sun rose, casting its golden glow upon the treacherous terrain, the Crimson Eclipse embarked on their perilous journey. The narrow canyon walls loomed above them, concealing a network of caves that harbored their unseen adversaries. Like ghosts emerging from the shadows, the ambushers struck with ruthless precision, threatening to derail the mission.   Undeterred, the Crimson Eclipse swiftly adapted their tactics, knowing that conventional warfare would not prevail against this elusive enemy. Drawing upon their extensive knowledge of warfare, they devised a plan that would turn the tables on their assailants.   With resolute determination, the Crimson Eclipse strategists ordered their forces to light fires at strategic points within the canyon. As the flames danced and consumed the dry foliage, tendrils of smoke began to snake their way into the hidden caves. Panic gripped the ambushers as the smoke infiltrated their hiding places, choking their breath and blurring their vision.   The Crimson Eclipse, aware of the advantage they had gained, pushed forward with renewed vigor. Their warriors, undeterred by the constant threat of ambush, pressed on through the smoke-filled canyon. Using their keen senses and honed instincts, they engaged their disoriented foes with calculated precision, striking them down one by one.   The flames raged, illuminating the path of the Crimson Eclipse, driving back the lingering darkness. The tactic of smoking out the ambushers proved to be a turning point in the campaign. With each cave cleared, the Crimson Eclipse gained ground and shattered the enemy's once impenetrable web of deception.   As the canyon echoed with the victorious cries of the Crimson Eclipse, they continued their relentless march. The ambushes, once a constant menace, were now reduced to mere remnants of a defeated force. The courage and resourcefulness of the Crimson Eclipse had prevailed.   The Campaign through the Gold Canyon stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Crimson Eclipse. Their ability to adapt, innovate, and use the environment to their advantage set them apart as true masters of warfare. The memory of the smoldering caves and the triumphant fires serves as a reminder of their unwavering determination and their ability to overcome even the most challenging of adversaries.  

Battle of Everrise Lake

The Garland battle lines had remained steadfast for days. Dozens of times the combined forces of the Blighted Citadel and Obsidian's Fist crashed against them and every time they were turned away. Grand Master Morwen then hatched a plan to break the lines once and for all.   As the sun reached its zenith, casting a brilliant reflection upon the serene waters of Everrise Lake, the forces of the Crimson Eclipse prepared for their audacious assault. The Garland lines stood as an impenetrable wall of shields and spears, seemingly invincible to any direct frontal assault. But the Crimson Eclipse, renowned for their adaptability and ingenuity, had a plan that would exploit the enemy's weaknesses.   With a thunderous roar, the Crimson Eclipse cavalry thundered across the open plain, their steeds pounding the earth beneath them. At the crucial moment, they veered sharply, executing a brilliant flanking maneuver that caught the Garland shield walls off guard. Like a torrent unleashed, the Crimson Eclipse crashed into the enemy's exposed flank with unmatched ferocity and precision.   Chaos erupted along the Garland lines as their formations crumbled under the onslaught. The cavalry of the Crimson Eclipse cut through their ranks like a scythe through ripe wheat, leaving devastation in their wake. The sheer impact and shock of the unexpected flank removed shattered the enemy's morale and cohesion, sending shockwaves of panic throughout their ranks.   While the Garland forces reeled from the devastating blow, the Blighted Citadel seized the opportunity and surged forward towards the Bernard Bridge and the formidable walls of Aorite. Emboldened by the success of the Crimson Eclipse's cavalry maneuver, they pressed on with unwavering determination, their path cleared by the shattered Garland lines.   The Battle of Everrise Lake broke the stalemate that had lasted for three weeks, marking the beginning of the end for the Kingdom of Garland's defensive forces outside of their cities. The Crimson Eclipse's tactical brilliance and the Blighted Citadel's relentless advance put the city of Aorite within reach, and the tides of victory shifted inexorably in favor of their cause.  

Seige of Garland Castle

The Crimson Eclipse, their cloaks aflame with fiery determination, converged with the Blighted Citadel to unleash an assault of unimaginable magnitude upon Garland, the defiant capital that bore the same name. Towering walls encased the city, rising high and thick, seemingly impenetrable to any assault that dared challenge their might. Countless attempts to breach these formidable defenses had been met with resolute resistance, forcing the attackers to retreat time and time again.   The losses suffered by the Obsidian Covenant in their fervent siege were staggering, a testament to the relentless determination of the defenders who clung to every inch of ground atop the indomitable walls. Wave after wave of valiant soldiers had been repelled, their blood staining the earth beneath their feet as they were driven back by the unyielding defenders.   Undeterred, the Crimson Eclipse, known for their unflinching resolve, embarked on daring subterranean operations. Tunneling beneath the towering walls, they sought to undermine the defenders' unwavering grip on their impregnable fortress. Yet, in a cruel twist of fate, the Garland defenders, cunning and ruthless, filled the caverns with noxious gas that snuffed out the lives of dozens of Crimson Eclipse warriors. The sacrifice of these fallen heroes weighed heavy upon the hearts of their comrades, but it only fueled their burning desire for victory.   Still, the walls of Garland's capital stood firm, defying the relentless onslaught. The siege became a grueling test of wills, as the Crimson Eclipse and their allies refused to relent. Each passing day, their determination intensified, stoked by the memory of fallen comrades and the unwavering belief that victory would be wrested from the unyielding grasp of the Garland defenders.   Amidst the chaos and despair, hope burned brightly within the hearts of the besiegers. The Crimson Eclipse, their crimson banners defiantly waving in the wind, pressed forward, their determination unwavering. They knew that the walls, once thought impenetrable, would tremble under the weight of their unyielding assault.   The siege of Garland's capital became a crucible, testing the mettle and valor of all involved. The Crimson Eclipse and their allies were resolute, ready to sacrifice all in their quest for victory. The fate of the capital hung in the balance, as the clash between indomitable wills ignited a storm of epic proportions.   And so, the echoes of battle and the flickering flames of determination continue to rage within the siege of Garland's capital. The Crimson Eclipse, unyielding in their resolve, prepare for the ultimate clash, knowing that with every passing moment, the walls inch closer to their breaking point. Victory looms on the horizon, a prize within reach, waiting to be claimed by those who dare to challenge fate itself.
Military Order
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