Authority of Dominion

Authority of Dominion

Pledge of Dominion

I pledge my unwavering service to the Authority of Dominion within the revered Obsidian Covenant. As devoted members, our commitment lies not in the clash of swords or the thrust of spears, but in wielding the mighty pen and the transformative power of coin.   Through our diligent efforts, the Orders shall never hunger, for our stewardship ensures their sustenance. Our devoted care shall keep the fields verdant and abundant, allowing the bounties of harvest to grace our tables. As we oversee the flow of prosperity, our coffers shall brim and overflow with abundance.   Under our steadfast leadership, each Dominion within this realm shall thrive and flourish. The prosperity of the Covenant's people shall know no bounds. We shall foster an era of harmony, where the aspirations and dreams of all individuals find their fertile ground to blossom and prosper.   United in purpose and driven by our noble ideals, we pledge ourselves to the unwavering pursuit of the Covenant's vision. Together, we shall etch our names into the annals of history as champions of prosperity, guardians of abundance, and architects of a radiant future for all within the Dominion of the Obsidian Covenant.  

Entry into the Authority

When an Ascendant pledges their loyalty and enters the esteemed service of the Authority, they embark on a transformative journey that begins within the hallowed walls of the Citadel of the Authority. As they step into the grand hall, they are bestowed with the honored rank of Acolyte, marking the commencement of an arduous and comprehensive training that spans years.   Guided by the wisdom of seasoned mentors, Acolytes immerse themselves in a wide array of disciplines, encompassing the intricacies of administration, the art of mathematics, the logistics of governance, and the mastery of numerous other indispensable concepts. Their tireless dedication fuels their pursuit of knowledge and understanding, as they develop into adept practitioners and custodians of the Authority's ideals.   Throughout their rigorous training, the Authority vigilantly observes the Acolytes, assessing their aptitudes and discerning where their unique talents and skills can be most effectively utilized. When the time is ripe, the Authority designates the path that shall shape the Acolyte's future, ensuring their invaluable contribution to the flourishing of the Dominion.   Upon their graduation from the Citadel of the Authority, the Acolytes embark upon diverse paths, each aligned with their innate strengths and the needs of the Covenant. Some may be called to serve within the administration, entrusted with supporting and enhancing the efficiency of government bodies, be it at the county level or in other regions.   Others are beckoned to join the ranks of the diplomatic corps, skillfully forging alliances and fostering understanding with those who have yet to tread the path of nonviolent transformation. Through their endeavors, they strive to expand the reach of the Covenant's influence, sowing the seeds of harmony and cooperation among disparate lands.   Yet, there are those whose talents and passions lead them to the illustrious Hall of Builders, where they become architects of grandeur. Guided by their artistic visions, they shape the magnificent structures that grace the Covenant's vast expanse—resplendent buildings, formidable castles, and awe-inspiring cathedrals that stand as enduring testaments to the Covenant's grandeur.   In each chosen path, Acolytes embody the noble spirit of the Authority, dedicated to the relentless pursuit of knowledge, service, and the shared prosperity of all who dwell within the Dominion. Their unwavering commitment illuminates the path toward a future where the Authority's principles shine as a beacon of hope and enlightenment.


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