Orders of Obsidian

Pledge to the Orders

I, as a devoted warrior of Obsidian, am privileged to be entrusted with the noble task of proving my worth through honorable combat. In doing so, I wholeheartedly dedicate my life to the cause of Obsidian and pledge my unwavering loyalty to my revered Order.   I stand resolute in my commitment to serve the Lord Avatar, the embodiment of Obsidian's divine presence, and to heed their righteous guidance. Furthermore, I solemnly swear my allegiance to the esteemed Grand Marshal of my Order, recognizing their leadership as an embodiment of the Covenant's strength and wisdom.   Driven by the indomitable will of my leadership, I embrace my role as a relentless sword, striking against the tumultuous forces of chaos that threaten to disrupt the harmony and order we seek to spread. In the face of adversity, I pledge to smite down all those who dare oppose the divine will of Obsidian and impede the expansion of our sacred Covenant.   With unyielding devotion, I declare my readiness to offer the ultimate sacrifice in the name of Obsidian and the service of the Covenant. I embrace the reality that, if called upon, I would gladly lay down my life in the pursuit of our sacred cause.   In wholeheartedly dedicating myself to the Orders, I pledge my very soul into their service, accepting the profound responsibility entrusted upon me. Bound by the unbreakable ties of duty and honor, I stand as a warrior, committed to upholding the legacy and ideals of Obsidian and the enduring strength of our Covenant.  

Entry into the Orders



The Orders of Obsidian represent the formidable military force within the overarching structure of the Obsidian Covenant. Upon reaching the age of fifteen, initiates who have successfully emerged from the Crucible, having completed their mandatory indoctrination and training program, are chosen to join the Orders. The assignment process takes into account factors such as their individual personality, the specific requirements of the service, and their unique skill set.   Each Order within the military arm of the Obsidian Covenant maintains its distinct focus and specialized training regimen. For instance, Obsidian's Fist is dedicated to mastering line battles and engaging in mass combat scenarios, honing the initiates' skills in traditional warfare tactics and strategies. The Ravenous Maw, on the other hand, focuses on unorthodox and unconventional forms of combat, equipping its members with the ability to adapt to unpredictable situations and employ unconventional methods to achieve their objectives. Lastly, the Ebon Hand trains soldiers specifically for security and garrison duties, instilling them with the necessary skills to safeguard and maintain order within the Covenant's strongholds and territories.   By identifying the specific needs and objectives of each Order, they are able to select initiates who possess the desired attributes and potential to excel in their assigned roles. This ensures a cohesive and efficient military structure within the Obsidian Covenant.   Upon entering the temple of their designated Order, initiates are granted the rank of Acolyte, symbolizing their formal entry into the military training program. Under the guidance of experienced mentors and instructors, they commence their rigorous training regimen, encompassing physical conditioning, combat techniques, tactical knowledge, and the development of unwavering loyalty and commitment to the ideals of the Obsidian Covenant.   Through the progression of their training and their unwavering dedication, initiates strive to ascend in rank and stature within their respective Orders, ultimately becoming esteemed warriors, commanders, and leaders who embody the indomitable might and unyielding loyalty of the Obsidian Covenant.  

Order Hierarchy



The Order, the largest military unit within the Obsidian Covenant, commands an impressive force comprising between 50,000 to 100,000 soldiers. At the helm of this formidable assembly stands the esteemed Grand Marshal, a distinguished leader responsible for overseeing the entire operation of the Order. The Grand Marshal exercises considerable authority and is entrusted with the critical task of ensuring the effectiveness and success of the Order's endeavors.   Operating with a significant level of autonomy, the Order is structured into specialized battalions, each with its own defined purpose and composition. These battalions serve as cohesive sub-units within the larger Order, enabling efficient coordination and execution of military campaigns, operations, and strategic maneuvers. Each battalion is led by an experienced commander who reports directly to the Grand Marshal, ensuring a streamlined flow of information, strategy, and tactics.   Despite their independent operations, the Order as a whole remains accountable to the supreme leadership of the Obsidian Covenant. The Order's activities, progress, and adherence to the Covenant's principles are reported directly to the esteemed Supreme Marshal, Sarkam. This hierarchical structure ensures a clear chain of command, facilitating swift decision-making and the seamless integration of the Order's efforts with the broader objectives of the Covenant.   With its substantial size and strategic importance, the Order plays a crucial role in upholding the military might and territorial integrity of the Obsidian Covenant. Its ability to operate as a cohesive force, adapt to evolving situations, and effectively execute missions contributes significantly to the Covenant's overall strength and dominance.  


Within the organizational structure of the Order, the battalion stands as a significant and autonomous component. Comprising a formidable force of 5,000 to 10,000 soldiers, a battalion operates independently, allowing for strategic deployments and operational flexibility based on the needs and requirements of the Order.   Battalions may be assigned to different regions, territories, or fronts, depending on the strategic objectives and priorities of the Order. Alternatively, they can be consolidated and kept together to reinforce the strength and unity of the Order as a whole. This adaptability ensures that the Covenant can effectively address various challenges and threats in a dynamic manner.   A battalion is led by a highly skilled and experienced commander known as the Marshal. The Marshal is responsible for overseeing the operations, training, and overall performance of the battalion. This includes the coordination of military campaigns, the deployment and utilization of troops, and the execution of tactical strategies. The Marshal reports directly to the Grand Marshal, serving as a vital link in the chain of command between the battalion and the upper echelons of leadership.   To further enhance the efficiency and cohesion within the battalion, it is divided into multiple cohorts. A cohort consists of a smaller group of soldiers, typically commanded by a respected officer known as the Grand Exarch. The Grand Exarch plays a crucial role in leading and guiding their respective cohort, ensuring discipline, coordinating tactical maneuvers, and executing orders issued by the Marshal.   By organizing soldiers into cohorts within the battalion, the Order can effectively manage and direct the actions of smaller, specialized units. This hierarchical structure fosters effective communication, swift decision-making, and efficient implementation of strategies on the battlefield.   Overall, the battalion, with its cohesive structure and focused leadership, serves as a powerful operational unit within the Order, enabling the Obsidian Covenant to project its military might, respond to threats, and accomplish its objectives with precision and effectiveness.  


Within the organizational structure of the battalion, a cohort holds a pivotal role in effectively managing and coordinating the diverse units comprising the battalion. Led by a respected and experienced officer known as the Grand Exarch, a cohort serves as a self-contained entity responsible for the well-being and operational efficiency of its assigned soldiers.   Comprising a substantial force of 1,000 to 2,500 soldiers, a cohort encompasses various specialized units, including cavalry, infantry, engineers, and more. This composition ensures a comprehensive representation of combat capabilities and support functions within the cohort.   One of the primary responsibilities of a cohort is to ensure the welfare and sustenance of all soldiers under its command. Cohorts take charge of supply logistics, ensuring that their soldiers are adequately provisioned, fed, and equipped for their respective roles. They maintain a watchful eye over the health and well-being of the soldiers, promptly addressing any issues or concerns that may arise.   Cohorts are expected to handle their own logistical matters to the best of their abilities. They possess the autonomy and authority to make decisions related to supply chains, resource allocation, and distribution within their assigned cohort. This decentralized approach enables swift and efficient management of resources, empowering cohorts to overcome logistical challenges without unnecessary delays.   However, in instances where issues or complexities surpass the cohort's capabilities, they have the responsibility to escalate those matters to the battalion level. Such matters could include significant disruptions in supply lines, resource shortages, or any critical situations requiring additional support or intervention beyond the cohort's scope.   By emphasizing the importance of self-sufficiency, cohorts foster a sense of ownership and accountability within their units. This decentralized logistical approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also cultivates a spirit of camaraderie and cohesion within the cohort, as soldiers collectively rely on their unit's resources and support systems.   Through their meticulous attention to logistical matters, cohorts contribute significantly to the overall readiness and effectiveness of the battalion. Their unwavering commitment to ensuring the well-being and operational preparedness of their soldiers reinforces the cohesion and strength of the entire military force within the Obsidian Covenant.  


Within the hierarchical framework of the cohort, the company serves as a specialized and purpose-driven organizational structure. Each company is composed of a distinct group of 500 to 1,000 soldiers, working in unison to fulfill specific roles and objectives within the broader military operation.   An Exarch, a skilled and respected officer, assumes command over each company. The Exarch's expertise and leadership guide the soldiers under their purview towards accomplishing their assigned tasks effectively and efficiently.   The composition of each company reflects its specialized function within the battalion. For instance, cavalry companies possess highly skilled mounted soldiers capable of swift maneuvers and strategic strikes, while infantry companies consist of foot soldiers trained in close-quarters combat and tactical formations. Pikemen companies specialize in the use of long spears or pikes to form defensive formations or engage in melee combat, and engineer companies focus on construction, fortification, and other specialized technical tasks.   By organizing soldiers into companies based on their specialized skills and roles, the battalion ensures a coordinated and targeted approach to warfare. Each company's unique capabilities contribute to the overall tactical advantage and operational success of the battalion.   Under the guidance of their Exarch, soldiers within a company work together to achieve their shared objectives. The Exarch oversees the training, discipline, and readiness of their company, fostering a sense of unity, cohesion, and loyalty among the soldiers under their command. They lead by example, instilling confidence, and inspiring their troops to perform at their best.   As part of the larger battalion structure, companies collaborate and coordinate with one another to form a unified force. The synergy between specialized companies, such as cavalry, infantry, pikemen, and engineers, allows for multifaceted military operations and ensures the battalion's ability to adapt to different challenges and terrain.   By assigning soldiers to specialized companies, the Obsidian Covenant maximizes the effectiveness and efficiency of its military forces, capitalizing on the unique skills and capabilities of each company. This organizational structure enables a coordinated, purpose-driven approach to warfare, ultimately enhancing the Covenant's capacity to defend its interests and prevail in battle.  


Within the well-structured company, the troop assumes a vital role in fostering coordination, cohesion, and efficient execution of operations. Led by a skilled officer known as an Archon, troops serve as integral units within the company's organizational hierarchy.   An Archon commands and oversees the soldiers within their assigned troop, ensuring effective communication and coordination between the company's leadership and the soldiers in the field. Archons hold a direct reporting line to the Exarchs, serving as a vital conduit for relaying information, receiving directives, and translating strategic objectives into tactical actions.   Troops are comprised of approximately 100 to 200 soldiers, forming a cohesive and manageable force within the company. This size enables the Archon to have a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities, strengths, and needs of their troop, facilitating effective leadership and decision-making.   The primary function of a troop is to enhance coordination and teamwork within the company. Archons fulfill this role by directing their soldiers in the field during operations. They provide clear guidance, issue orders, and ensure that tactical decisions are promptly executed. Archons play a critical role in maintaining discipline, morale, and unit cohesion within their respective troops, fostering a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among the soldiers under their command.   During engagements and operations, Archons assume the role of field commanders, leading their troops in battle, and executing the company's overall strategy. They leverage their experience and expertise to make critical decisions in real-time, adapt to changing circumstances, and seize opportunities on the battlefield.   By reporting directly to the Exarchs, Archons maintain a strong link to the company's leadership, ensuring alignment with the company's objectives and directives. This hierarchical structure provides a clear chain of command, streamlining communication, and facilitating swift decision-making in dynamic and challenging situations.   The presence of well-led troops and the guidance provided by Archons significantly contribute to the overall success of the company's operations. Their leadership, coordination, and ability to direct soldiers in the field enhance combat effectiveness, promote unity, and maximize the company's operational efficiency.  


n the hierarchical structure of the Order, the section serves as the smallest unit of organization, ensuring effective coordination and execution of tasks. Sections report directly to the Troop and are led by capable officers known as Captains.   Captains assume direct leadership over the soldiers within their assigned section, taking charge of their actions in combat. They bear the responsibility of maintaining discipline, ensuring adherence to orders, and overseeing the efficient execution of tasks. Captains serve as frontline commanders, guiding their soldiers through the challenges of battle with skill and expertise.   The primary role of a section is to carry out assigned missions and objectives. Under the guidance of their Captain, soldiers within the section work closely together, leveraging their individual skills and training to achieve collective success. Captains provide clear direction and instructions, ensuring that soldiers understand their roles and responsibilities during combat operations.   Captains are accountable for upholding discipline within their section, promoting a culture of professionalism, and fostering a strong sense of teamwork among their soldiers. They serve as role models, leading by example, and instilling confidence and trust in their troops.   As an integral part of the larger organizational structure, sections contribute to the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the Order. By reporting to the Troop and operating under the leadership of dedicated Captains, sections enable streamlined communication, swift decision-making, and effective execution of tasks in the dynamic environment of combat.   Through the direct guidance and leadership provided by Captains, sections are well-prepared to adapt to changing circumstances, carry out their assigned missions, and contribute to the success of the Order's objectives on the battlefield.  

Obsidian Order Ranks


Supreme Marshal

The Supreme Marshal exercises complete command and control over all ten orders of the Obsidian Covenant's military. They possess the final say in all strategic decisions, campaigns, and deployments, ensuring the unity and coordination of the entire military force. In all of the Obsidian Covenant's history only one, Lord Sarkam, has held this rank.  

Grand Marshal

The Grand Marshal is a prestigious military position within the Obsidian Covenant, serving as the commander of an entire order. As the highest-ranking military officer within the order, the Grand Marshal holds immense authority and responsibility.   The Grand Marshal is the supreme commander of an entire order within the Obsidian Covenant. They oversee and direct all military operations, units, and personnel within their order. The Grand Marshal formulates strategic plans, coordinates the activities of the battalions and cohorts within the order, and ensures that the soldiers are trained, equipped, and prepared for their assigned missions. They report directly to the Supreme Marshal Sarkam, the highest-ranking military officer in the Obsidian Covenant. The Grand Marshal plays a crucial role in executing the military objectives of the theocracy and works closely with higher-ranking officers to ensure the success of their order's operations.  


The Marshal is the commander of a battalion within their respective order. They are responsible for leading and overseeing the operations of the battalion, which typically consists of several companies or troops. The Marshal formulates strategic plans, coordinates the activities of the companies or troops within the battalion, and ensures that the soldiers are trained, equipped, and prepared for their assigned missions. They play a vital role in executing the military objectives of the Obsidian Covenant and work closely with higher-ranking officers to ensure the success of their battalion's operations.  

Grand Exarch

The Grand Exarch is the commander of a cohort within their respective order. They are responsible for leading and managing the cohort, ensuring discipline, effectiveness, and cohesion. The Grand Exarch formulates strategic plans, coordinates the activities of the companies and troops within the cohort, and ensures that the soldiers are trained, equipped, and prepared for their assigned missions. They play a crucial role in implementing the military objectives of the Obsidian Covenant and work closely with higher-ranking officers to ensure the success of their cohort's operations.  


The Exarch is the commander of a company within the Obsidian Covenant's military structure. They are responsible for leading and overseeing the operations of the company, which typically consists of a group of soldiers specializing in a particular combat role or function. The Exarch formulates tactical plans, coordinates the activities of the troops and sections within the company, and ensures that the soldiers are trained, equipped, and prepared for their assigned missions. They play a critical role in executing the strategic objectives of the Obsidian Covenant and work closely with higher-ranking officers to ensure the success of their company's military endeavors.  


The Archon is the commander of a troop within their respective company. They are responsible for leading and overseeing the operations of the troop, which typically consists of a small group of soldiers. The Archon formulates tactical plans, coordinates the activities of the soldiers within the troop, and ensures that they are trained, equipped, and prepared for their assigned missions. They play a crucial role in executing the objectives of the Obsidian Covenant and work closely with higher-ranking officers to ensure the success of their troop's operations.  


The Captain is the commander of a section within their respective troop. They are responsible for leading and overseeing the operations of the section, which typically consists of a small group of soldiers. The Captain formulates tactical plans, coordinates the activities of the soldiers within the section, and ensures that they are trained, equipped, and prepared for their assigned tasks. They play an important role in executing the objectives of the Obsidian Covenant and work closely with higher-ranking officers to ensure the success of their section's operations.  


Inquisitors serve as both officers and enforcers within the Obsidian Covenant's military. They investigate and root out dissent, heresy, and treachery among the ranks, and also lead small squads in combat. Inquisitors possess a structure all their own and while there are inquisitor ranks among all orders they primarily exist within the 6th Order, Obsidian's Eye.  


The Reaver class in the Obsidian Covenant is a distinguished and elite group of warriors who have attained the highest level of skill, expertise, and prowess in combat. They are revered for their exceptional combat abilities and unwavering loyalty to the Covenant. As the highest-ranking non-command class, Reavers are often assigned critical and specialized roles on the battlefield, carrying out missions that require their exceptional combat proficiency. They are trained in various forms of weaponry, martial arts, and tactical strategies, making them formidable adversaries in battle. The Reavers serve as a symbol of strength and excellence within the Obsidian Covenant, embodying the organization's commitment to martial power and unwavering devotion to their cause.  


The Disciple is the back-bone of the Obsidian Covenant Order. Disciples make up the bulk of the military and take up many roles within the organization. From general infantry to medics to engineers the Disciple fills every role possible within the lower ranks of the order.  


The Acolyte class in the Obsidian Covenant comprises individuals who have recently joined the organization and are undergoing training and initiation into the ranks. As the entry-level members, Acolytes are in the early stages of their journey within the Covenant. They are assigned to various tasks and duties as part of their training, which may include assisting higher-ranking members, learning the doctrines and traditions of the Covenant, and participating in basic training exercises. Acolytes are expected to demonstrate loyalty, obedience, and a willingness to learn and serve the interests of the Obsidian Covenant. They aspire to progress through the ranks, gaining knowledge, experience, and recognition within the organization. While they may have limited responsibilities initially, Acolytes form the foundation upon which the future of the Covenant is built, and their dedication and potential are carefully nurtured by higher-ranking members.


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