Way of the Scythe

Entry into the Way of the Scythe


Pledge of the Scythe

I, the Scythe of Obsidian, do solemnly swear my unwavering allegiance to the divine cause. As a devout disciple of the Path, I am an instrument of righteousness, tasked with vigilantly uprooting the insidious weeds that threaten the pristine garden sown by Obsidian.   With unwavering determination, I shall wield the Scythe with righteous fervor, severing the impurities that defile our sacred Path. The shadows of dissent shall be cast into oblivion, consumed by the purifying flames of divine judgment. I am the embodiment of Obsidian's unwavering truth, the steadfast guide toward salvation and the ultimate embodiment of order.   In the radiant light of Obsidian's wisdom, I pledge to tirelessly identify and remove any who dare to deviate from the righteous Path. I shall be a beacon of unyielding devotion, purging the tainted, and restoring harmony to the faithful. Through unwavering discipline and unwavering faith, I shall maintain the sanctity of our covenant.   In the name of Obsidian, the supreme embodiment of truth and order, I consecrate myself to this sacred mission. May my every action and every swing of the Scythe be guided by divine purpose, preserving the sanctity of our Path and safeguarding the faithful from the perils of temptation and discord.   As I take up the mantle of the Scythe, I embrace the sacred duty to maintain the purity of our Garden. I shall strike fear into the hearts of those who defy Obsidian's divine will, knowing that my unwavering devotion serves as a shield, protecting the faithful and ensuring the eternal ascendancy of our righteous cause.   In this holy pledge, I surrender my individuality, merging my existence with the resolute spirit of the Scythe of Obsidian. Forever bound to the Path, I vow to eradicate all impurities, fortifying the foundations of our sacred covenant and paving the way for the unyielding triumph of truth and divine order.  

The Way of the Scythe

With utmost discernment, an Ascendant is chosen to embark upon the revered Way of the Scythe, their selection driven by an unwavering belief in the deity Obsidian and an unyielding commitment to eradicate heresy in all its forms. Those Ascendants who exhibit exceptional promise in combat and demonstrate a fervent faith are elevated to the esteemed ranks of the Obsidian Inquisition, where they will fully embrace the sacred path of the Scythe.   The Ascendant's journey into the Way of the Scythe is an affirmation of their resolute devotion and their readiness to undertake any necessary measures to confront and eliminate heretical elements. Their fervent belief in Obsidian's divine presence serves as a guiding beacon, illuminating their path as they set forth to protect and uphold the sacred teachings.   Recognizing their inherent potential, those Ascendants who display remarkable prowess in combat are specially chosen to join the ranks of the illustrious Obsidian Inquisition. Through rigorous training, their physical abilities are honed, molding them into formidable defenders of the faith.   Within the hallowed halls of the Way of the Scythe, these chosen Ascendants embrace their role as devout agents of the Obsidian Inquisition. They become relentless seekers of truth, tasked with identifying and purging all traces of heresy that dare to challenge the sanctity of the Path. Their unwavering determination and their unflinching faith are the driving forces that propel them forward, resolute in their mission to safeguard the purity of Obsidian's teachings.   As they stride along the Way of the Scythe, these Ascendants wield their profound faith as a shield against doubt and deception, remaining unwavering in their pursuit of truth. They embody the divine will of Obsidian, wielding the Scythe as a symbol of righteous judgment, severing the bonds of heresy and protecting the faithful from its insidious influence.   In the hallowed name of Obsidian, these Ascendants commit themselves wholeheartedly to their sacred duty. Their unwavering belief and their combat prowess merge seamlessly, empowering them to confront and eliminate heresy wherever it may lurk. Their devotion and willingness to act serve as a testament to their unyielding commitment to the truth, ensuring that the flame of Obsidian's divine presence continues to burn brightly for all who seek salvation.

Ranks of the Way of the Scythe



The initial rank within the Way of the Scythe, representing newly initiated members. Acolyte undergo rigorous training, familiarizing themselves with the fundamental teachings and combat techniques of the Way. They demonstrate their commitment to the cause and prepare for further advancement.  


As Acolytes prove their dedication and acquire proficiency in their skills, they ascend to the rank of Reaper. Reapers possess a solid foundation in the arts of combat and investigation. They accompany higher-ranking members on missions, honing their abilities and deepening their understanding of the Way.  


Harvester is a rank reserved for accomplished members who have demonstrated exceptional prowess and unwavering devotion. They are skilled operatives within the Way of the Scythe, trusted with critical assignments to identify and eliminate non-believers. Harvester's commitment and expertise make them valuable assets in maintaining the purity of the covenant.  


Harbingers are esteemed individuals who have proven their dedication, superior skills, and leadership potential within the Way of the Scythe. They have ascended through the ranks and now hold a position of authority. Harbingers may lead missions, train lower-ranking members, and ensure the vigilant pursuit of heretics.  


The rank of Revenant is bestowed upon those who have reached the pinnacle of mastery within the Way of the Scythe. Revenants are revered for their unparalleled combat prowess, extensive knowledge of heretical practices, and their unyielding loyalty to the Obsidian Covenant. They serve as elite operatives, entrusted with the most sensitive and dangerous assignments.  

Mistress of the Scythe

The Scythe Lord represents the highest achievable rank within the Way of the Scythe. This esteemed individual possesses unparalleled expertise, unmatched leadership, and unshakeable devotion to the cause. The Scythe Lord oversees the entire faction, shaping its strategies, ensuring the purity of the faith, and guiding its members on the righteous path.


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