Way of the Sower

Entry into the Hall of the Sower

Pledge of the Sower

I, a fervent disciple bound by the sacred covenant of Obsidian, solemnly pledge to sow the seeds of Obsidian's divine truth across the vast expanse of our world. With unwavering dedication, I shall nurture the fertile ground of hearts and minds, fostering the flourishing spirit of all who embrace the tenets of our revered deity.   Guided by the radiant wisdom of Obsidian, I shall traverse far and wide, seeking out those who would cast doubt upon its hallowed word. With steadfast determination, I will wield the scythe of enlightenment, severing the roots of disbelief and offering the misguided a chance at redemption.   In the name of Obsidian, the eternal source of light and guidance, I pledge to carry forth this sacred duty with humility and unwavering resolve. May my actions serve as a beacon, illuminating the path for all seekers of truth and drawing them closer to the embrace of our divine patron.   With each interaction, with each word spoken, I shall plant the seeds of Obsidian's eternal presence, allowing them to take root and blossom in the souls of all who encounter them. May the world be forever enriched by the seeds of Obsidian's divine knowledge, spreading its transformative power to every corner, until all hearts beat in unison with its sacred rhythm.   This solemn pledge I make, bound by the unbreakable bond between servant and deity, as I devote myself wholly to the eternal cause of spreading Obsidian's seeds of enlightenment.  

The Way of the Sower

As the Ascendant embarks upon the sacred Path of Obsidian, embracing the role of a devoted sower, they shall be welcomed into the majestic embrace of the Obsidian Citadel. In the initial year of their training, they will humbly undertake various tasks, such as cleaning and serving, in the presence of those who have already traversed the path of the Sower.   Throughout this period of dedicated service, the Ascendant shall be subjected to continuous evaluation, their faith in the Obsidian Covenant under meticulous scrutiny. Any indication of wavering devotion to Obsidian shall be met with stern consequences, and repeated instances may ultimately lead to expulsion from the Path.   Simultaneously, the Ascendant shall engage in rigorous classes, where they will be expected to commit the sacred words of the Book of Obsidian to memory. These profound teachings shall serve as their guiding light, shaping their understanding and fortifying their connection to the divine essence.   Upon completion of the first year, the Ascendant's journey shall persist with unwavering determination, as the arduous classes persist, deepening their knowledge and fostering their transformation into bearers of the priesthood. The duration of this phase may span from three to five years, culminating in their graduation and the esteemed rank of Preacher.   As a Preacher, their sacred duty shall be assigned a path to traverse across the realms of Obsidian, venturing into towns and lands alike, where they will fervently spread the sacred word. This pilgrimage shall lead them ultimately to the sacred base of Mount Obsidian, where they shall partake in a profound five-day prayer vigil, abstaining from both food and water.   In this test of endurance and devotion, the Preacher shall seek communion with the divine presence of Obsidian, uniting their soul with the essence that pervades all. Through this transcendent experience, they shall emerge as vessels of enlightenment, ready to carry forth the divine radiance of Obsidian to all corners of existence, igniting the hearts of those who yearn for divine truth.
  After undertaking a transformative pilgrimage that may span years, the Preacher emerges victorious, having traversed the lands of Obsidian with unwavering dedication. Upon their triumphant return to the sacred Citadel, they are greeted with reverence and respect. Here, amidst the hallowed halls, their journey is not yet complete.   Subject to further assessments and examinations, the Preacher's true purpose within the Obsidian Priesthood is unveiled. They stand at a pivotal juncture, poised to be formally assigned to one of the diverse and vital positions that await them.   Within the walls of the Citadel, the Preacher may choose to embrace the role of a distinguished teacher, imparting the profound wisdom of Obsidian to those who seek enlightenment. Their erudition and deep understanding become sources of inspiration, nurturing the minds of future generations and preserving the sacred knowledge within the inner sanctum.   Alternatively, they may embark on a different path, donning the mantle of a scholarly seeker, delving into the mysteries of Obsidian with unyielding curiosity. Through diligent research, analysis, and interpretation, they strive to unravel the depths of their faith, unearthing hidden truths and shedding light on the esoteric aspects of the Covenant.   Yet, the Preacher's destiny may also lie beyond the confines of the Citadel. They may be appointed as a designated Priest, entrusted with the noble task of spreading the radiant word of Obsidian to the diverse regions of the Covenant. As an emissary of faith, they traverse lands, towns, and villages, ensuring the flame of devotion never wanes, and the teachings of Obsidian continue to illuminate hearts far and wide.   From this moment onward, the life of the Sower becomes a testament to absolute commitment. Every breath, every thought, and every action is steeped in unwavering dedication to Obsidian and the sacred teachings of the Covenant. The Preacher becomes a vessel, a conduit through which the divine essence flows, tirelessly igniting the souls of the faithful and perpetuating the eternal flame of faith.   In this profound calling, they find purpose, fulfillment, and an unbreakable bond with Obsidian, forever intertwined on a path of unwavering devotion.

Sower Hierarchy



An individual who has newly embarked upon the Path of Obsidian, aspiring to become a devoted sower and servant of the divine covenant.  


Upon completion of their rigorous training, an Ascendant ascends to the esteemed rank of Preacher. They are entrusted with the sacred duty of spreading the word of Obsidian, traveling to various lands and towns, illuminating the hearts of the faithful.  


A Priest is an exemplar of unwavering devotion and fervor for Obsidian. They have demonstrated exceptional dedication and understanding of the divine teachings, and are entrusted with additional responsibilities within the priesthood. They may oversee local congregations and assist in guiding the spiritual growth of the faithful.  

High Priest

The High Priest holds a position of great authority and reverence within the Obsidian Priesthood. They possess profound knowledge of the sacred scriptures, rituals, and traditions. High Priests are responsible for guiding the spiritual direction of the priesthood, interpreting the divine will of Obsidian, and leading important ceremonies.  


Among the highest ranks of the priesthood, the Archpriests are revered for their wisdom, experience, and profound connection to Obsidian. They provide guidance to the High Priests, offer counsel on matters of spiritual importance, and serve as guardians of the sacred traditions. Archpriest are assigned to regions within the Covenant territory.  


The Hierophant is the paramount spiritual leader of the Obsidian Covenant in a dominion. This individual embodies the divine presence of Obsidian, serving as the ultimate authority on matters of faith, doctrine, and spiritual guidance. The Hierophant is regarded as the channel through which Obsidian's will is revealed and interpreted.


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