Yorzoltl, the Great Tentacle

  In the shadowed crevices of a world shrouded in mystery and fear, the malevolent deity Yorzoltl, known as the Great Tentacle, reigns with a chilling grip. This sinister god embodies the darkest depths of power, a cosmic monstrosity whose many appendages reach across dimensions, ensnaring souls and realities alike in its unyielding grasp.   Doctrine of Domination
  To the disciples of Yorzoltl, the universe is but a chessboard, and all living creatures pawns to be played or discarded at the deity’s whim. They preach that Yorzoltl's insatiable hunger for control is the driving force of existence, a cruel game where only the most devout or deranged can hope to curry favor.   Hierarchy of Madness
  The cult that worships Yorzoltl is structured like a twisted reflection of the deity’s tangled limbs. The highest echelons of the cult, the "Tentacled Hierophants," are said to have gazed into the abyss of Yorzoltl's being and emerged with minds unhinged, granted terrifying powers and insights that they wield to keep the lesser acolytes in line.   Rituals of the Abyss
  Worship of Yorzoltl is a macabre dance with madness. Rituals conducted by the cult are steeped in horror, often involving unspeakable sacrifices and eldritch incantations. To the followers, these acts are not mere demonstrations of faith but essential to feed the ceaseless hunger of the Great Tentacle.   Enlightenment Through Madness
  The path to enlightenment in the eyes of Yorzoltl’s followers is one of subjugation and self-annihilation. To them, to embrace the Great Tentacle is to forsake all semblance of sanity and humanity, to become an instrument of Yorzoltl's will, a vessel for the deity's malice and a conduit for its chaotic essence.   The Dichotomy of Power and Torment
  Those who resist the embrace of Yorzoltl are promised a fate worse than death—eternal torment in a limbo of the deity's creation, where the mind fractures and splinters endlessly. Yet, those who submit are offered no paradise; they are granted a glimpse of power, a taste of the divine madness, only to be consumed by it, their very essence becoming sustenance for Yorzoltl.   Influence on Civilization
  The cult's influence spreads like a plague, with civilizations falling into decay under its shadow. Its members move through societies like specters, sowing discord and bending wills to the obscure desires of Yorzoltl. They bring not order but entropy, not salvation but subjugation, as they work to remake the world in the image of their twisted deity.   A Warning Embodied
  The Cult of Yorzoltl stands as a dark testament to the peril of unchecked power and the maddening lure of forbidden knowledge. It is a caution against the seduction of ultimate control, for in the pursuit of such power, one risks becoming the very embodiment of the primal fears that lurk in the hearts of all sentient beings.   Yorzoltl, the Great Tentacle, thus embodies the very essence of an evil deity, a reminder that in the vast, uncaring universe, there are forces of malevolence that delight in the subjugation and suffering of lesser beings. His followers, lost to insanity, serve not out of hope for reward but out of a twisted love for the chaos they unleash upon the world.  
Divine Classification
Greater Elder


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