BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Veils over Agartha

"Gaps are everywhere, In knowledge, in records, in the Earth itself. Holes and inconsistencies plague the annals of history. Forgotten empires lay buried beneath the sand, Others have their existence concealed. Whispers in shadows are subdued by an unseen force, So that the veils of normalcy may yet hold. Occultists have their calls answered by unwanted listeners. Wars erupt and simmer beneath our feet. The depths of our souls sing to us. A lie is told, a truth silenced,   Another veil descends over Agartha."

The Factions

  Familiarize yourself with the forces fighting for dominance over the Earth.    

The Lunar Pact

"The watchful moon judges all who dare stalk the night."
The Lunar Pact silently rules the overworld, keeping it ignorant to the true nature of reality. The supernatural must be exterminated, so that they can have monopoly over it.    

The Broken Cross

"If there truly are no gods here, let it be our holy duty to change that."
The Broken Cross of new Errath is a militant cult with great Tulpathic prowess. They believe the Creators have abandoned this plane and they pray to summon them back.    

The Hamatusha


  Enigmatic lifeforms of pure flame wander in lost kingdoms beneath the Earth. But an ancient evil slowly awakens in the heart of their kingdom, and its one equal has been missing for millions of years.      

The Thorn Syndicates


"What subject trusts an invisible king to be as he should be, to do as he should do? And what is a king without trust from his kingdom?"
A globe-spanning criminal organization founded by renegades from the Lunar Pact. They intend to sell Tulpathic services to the common man, breaking the veil cast by the Lunar Pact.      

The Servants of Ruination

  An infinite army of alien angels, locked away in a prison-dimension since the dawn of creation when their divine master was destroyed. They inscribe impossible symbols into the fabric of reality, breaking down its essence.         And of course, more to come...

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