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Pantheon of Vek-Saroth

Choosing a Deity

While anyone can choose to follow a diety, it is most important for Clerics and Paladins. Rangers may also be prone to following a specific deity.
Clerics shoud choose a deity that corrosponds to the domain they would like to take and alignment they would like to have. You can read about domains here. If you don't see what you want here, just let me know

Common Deities

Ronst Mostly Dwarves of Norgorden
Fresti Mostly Towns on the edge of civilization
Sunvas Almost exclusively Dwarves of Soutmorten

By Alignment

Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Ronst, Goddess of Earth
LG -
(Nature Domain)
Ulin, God of Healing
NG - The White Veil
(Life, Light Domains)
Jerra, Goddess of the Night
CG -
(Peace, Life Domains)
Elsyt, Goddess of Twilight - LG (Twilight, Protection Domains) Rostara, Goddess of Beauty - NG (Beauty, Light Domains) Linistron, God of Culture - CG (Forge Domain)
Selena, Goddess of Good Magic - LG (Arcana Domain) Fresti, Goddess of Courage - NG (Nature, Solidarity Domains)
Lawful Neutral Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Halori, God of Time - LN (Peace, Order Domains) Diepe, Goddess of Balance - N Osnon, God of Weather - CN (Tempest, Zeal Domains)
Sirilan, God of Air - LN Neng, Goddess of Wisdom - N (Knowledge Domain) Sunvas, God of Madness - CN (Mind Domain)
Daarci, Goddess of Neutral Magic - LN (Arcana Domain) Yudin - CN
Evek, God of Discipline - LN (Order Domain)
Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil
Vatur, God of Death; The Black Shroud - LE (Death, Grave Domains) Dist, God of Power - NE (Strength, Ambition Domains) Sophie, Goddess of the Day - CE
Karline, Goddess of Evil Magic - LE (Arcana Domain) Sambi, Goddess of War - NE (War, Death Domains) Tindas, God of Fire - CE
Phyllik, God of Secrets - NE (Trickery Domain) Myriel, Goddess of Dragons and Monsters - CE
Haethu, God of Pleasure and Pain - CE (Blood Domain)


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