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Spelljammer Academy


The Training Course at the Academy one year long, divided into 3 semesters. The Academy admits around 8-16 students per year and divides them into 2 squadrons.   You are Thunderbird Squadron, and your classmates are the Wyvern Squadron.   Thunderbird Squadron
Ander, Hadozee Bard: College of Spirits from Vek-Saroth
Bix, Giff Fighter (firearms) from Vek-Saroth
Klem, Topaz Dragonborn: Sound Sorcerer from Ravnica
Penny, Autognome Bard, College of Lore from (Unknown)
R33f, Warforged Druid, Circle of Stars from (Unknown)
Teq, Tabaxi Paladin, Oath of Vengeance from Vek-Wyr
Baus, Water Genasi ??? from (Unknown)
  Roc Squadron
Veena, High Elf Barb (She/her)
  • Snoty; 'leader' of the gang; usually rude to Ander
Mex, Half-Elf Rogue (She/her)
Mars, Ash Dwarf Cleric (He/him)
  • Mex and Mars usually back Veena up and the three of them often get into trouble
Miken, Human Wizard (He/him)
  • Wants to be a spelljammer, but is unsure of himself. TRAITOR
Pffred, Plasmoid Monk (He/him)
  • A bit naive and pompous, but mostly ok.
Krik'lit, Thri-Kreen Ranger (She/her)
  • Quiet, brooding. Gets along with Veena, Mex, and Mars, but otherwise like to keep to herself
  Wyvern Squad (Upperclass)
Hillanot, Plasmoid Ranger (She/her)
???, Human
Marko, Plasmoid Paladin (He/him)
  • Dating Ghaliver from Pegasus Squad
Ratanák, Half-Orc Cleric
  • He can speak with the dead, and doesn't see much difference between the living and dead. He makes a point to leave places better than he found them.
  Pegasus Squadron (Upperclass)
Ghaliver, Hafling Ranger (He/him)
  • Dating Marko from Wyvern Squad
Hortga, Eladrin Warlock (He/him) EXPELLED
Flask, Tabaxi Wizard (She/her)
  • wants to meet her Childhood hero
Trauban, Mountain Dwarf Sorcerer
  • Takes himself very seriously
Controlled Territories


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