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The Nessufly Floods

The Nessufly Flood is a yearly festival in Torrezon, mostly observed in Semunet and Apsoset.


Starting in -1391 ST, villagers in the towns that would one day become Semunet and Apsoset began to notice that early every year, in what could be considered spring in Torrezon, the Flail Rivers would almost seem to flood with the bodies of an uncountable number of large dead fly like insects. The Priests of the Wurm Concordant began to sing and weep with joy, proclaiming they were a last gift of the dead God Nessumonthu, and began instructing all those who would listen to gather the bounty The Wurm provided. Much to their surprise, the insects were in fact, quite delicious, and people would wade out into the flowing rivers to gather as many as they could.   As the towns and villages grew into the massive cities that they became, the yearly flood of insects grew and grew until at the beginning of every year, the banks swelled to bursting with so many of the Mayfly like insects, it was said you could almost walk from one bank to the other and not sink up to more than your knees.

Components and tools

The Nessufly, a large insect with lacy clear butterfly-like wings that lives for a week at the begining of the year, then dies after mating.   Barges and nets to gather the dead insects, fires to cook them, spices and sweets to coat them in.


All in both cities take part, as it becomes a massive feast that lasts for several days. This includes all Outlanders who wish to take part, Chiton and other animals, and the native populous.


The Nessufly Flood happens every spring.
A Meal of Nessuflies
Primary Related Location
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