
(a.k.a. The Dark Maiden, The Lady of the Dance, Lady Silverhair, The Dark Dancer)

Divine Domains

Beauty, Song, Dance, Freedom, Moonlight, Swordwork, Hunting, Light, Nature, Life


The Moonsword   Twin Singing Swords of Dancing

Holy Books & Codes

Eilistraee demonstrates her favor and happiness through the discovery of particular minerals or gems (like mithral, moonbars, moonstones, and silver) or with a sudden inspiration to write a beautiful song or poem, or to craft a magnificent sword for those who have the ability.   However, the Dark Dancer could also let her displeasure be known, and did so by making a cold breeze rise, by making the disfavored ones feel a chill in their hands or feet, through a sudden lack of inspiration or talent in any form of art, or through the failure to catch anything while hunting.   Music and song hold a particular meaning to Eilistree, as they are the intimate nature of her iconic magic, the Spellsong. Its melody is capable of physically healing, creating, and protecting, and allowed its practitioners to travel to places far away and see the world. Through the Spellsong, Eilistraee teaches to listen to the songs of distant lands, the melody that a place and its people "sung" when lit by the moon, and to travel to such places along beams of moonlight, summoned by singing and dancing to its rhythm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Unclad female drow with long hair dancing before a full moon with a silver bastard sword   A silvery radiance (sometimes accompanied by a snatch of song or a few echoing notes of a harp) that can also take the form of a handful of dancing moonbeams or moon-motes. Eilistraee uses this light to assist her people: she is known to use it as a beacon guiding those lost in the woods, to shine a light on something dropped in the dark, to illuminate a dark place where women give birth, or to generally guide those who saw the manifestation.   Her song is another iconic manifestation, and the Dark Maiden's way of calling her followers to her, luring them towards a different life. However, and whenever, the goddess appeared, her song is heard. It is a tune of unearthly beauty, moving many to tears but also a sweet and tempting lullaby, or the soothing voice of a loving mother. At times, Eilistraee will appear in person, to show her favor, give a blessing, or hearten her followers. Mortals lucky enough to see her would always hear her tune, but usually only glimpsed her from afar, balanced atop a distant hillock or battlement, with her silver hair flowing behind her. At times, she could also appear during celebrations dedicated to her, leaping inside the flames of bonfires, or manifest herself by night, cloaked and cowled and with her radiance dimmed, to travelers in the woodlands, usually to test their kindness.   Sometimes, Eilistraee will use her radiance to bless the faithful or even non-faithful who decided to honor her with a solitary dance, turning the creature's hair into a mane of silvery, dancing flames. This could last as long as a month, or even be permanent. She will also very often manifest when one of her priests led a new convert to her faith in prayer, which was itself an offering to Eilistraee.   The sound of a high and distant hunting horn is another sign associated to the Dark Maiden. She has been known to conjure it to rally or hearten her followers, or to scare off bandits or raiders, who would believe reinforcements were coming for those harassed. When there were no enemies about, worshipers took the sound of the horn to mean there was someone close by they needed to aid.

Tenets of Faith

Eilistraee's followers took to heart the cause of aiding the needy wherever and whenever possible, no matter their race, gender, or strength.    She believes in offering kindness, shelter, and acceptance to anyone not working evil, especially if outcasts.    She and her church also work to spread joy and merriment, and to bring comfort and hope to those who are taken by sorrow.    Finally, the Dark Maiden is, among the other things, a goddess of beauty; as such, she is known for her efforts to nurture and spread enthusiasm for arts—especially music and dance—and for blessing artists and bards with bursts of creativity and inspiration.


Celebrated during full moons   Eclipse Ceremony - "When the sun vanishes at midday, then change comes to the Haighlei." The religion of the Haighlei Empire enforces a strict rigidity on the culture of the empire. Once a pattern was set or a social rule made, it could not be altered or overturned except during the height of the Eclipse Ceremony. Once every twenty years, there is a total solar eclipse, visible in the more southern regions of Velgareth. During this brief window, the Haighlei empresses could mandate changes in law and society.
Divine Classification