Frost Giant of Evil Water

Though primordials of frost and ice do exist, frost giants who turn from the gods of the Ordning to embrace Elemental Evil are more likely to serve Olhydra, the Princess of Evil Water. To these giants, water is a cruel and destructive force that finds its ultimate expression in ice. These cultists of Evil Water often hide their allegiance as long as possible while urging their communities to everincreasing depths of cruelty and violence, but if the cultists' apostasy is revealed and they are exiled.   Olhydra grants these frost giants the ability to breathe underwater, and they wield armor and weapons that reflect their commitment to the cult. Their armor is outfitted with enormous crossbows that can launch barbed harpoons, which the giants use to drag enemies into or through the water.   Frost giants are typically blue or white in colour as is their hair though it can sometimes grow into a dirty yellow colour. Male frost giants will often grow matted beards of hair, frost and icicles. Frost giants will typically wear furs and pelts of the animals they’ve killed and chainmail and helmets for protection.   Frost giants do not make things for themselves apart from basic leather clothing and things carved from bones. Anything they need, they will plunder from nearby settlements. Typically, their raids will consist of taking livestock, forged goods, alcohol and large gems. These giants live almost entirely by raiding and hunting. Roughly half of their population lives in small nomadic bands or tribes, while the rest settle down in abandoned castles or caves.   They will often take on animal companions, but have little concept of training or raising an animal, instead, they tend to beat the creatures into submission. Such creatures will become hunting companions and guardians of their lair though those that do not comply will become the frost giant’s dinner.   Frost giants are among the most feared of the giants, as they are highly aggressive, prone to blood-lust, and very fond of raiding. They prefer attacking from surprise, and are quite adept at blending into their snowy environment.