Kal'enel Star-Eyed

The Star-Eyed is the goddess worshiped by the Shin'a'in and the Tayledras. After the Cataclysm, She helped both peoples descended from the Kaled'a'in to establish a new home and gave them a perpetual mission. Her people know that She has an active interest in them, but they also know that She expects them to do everything in their own power to resolve their own problems.

Divine Domains

Twilight, Nature, Knowledge, Death, Trickery, Peace, Arcana, Grave, Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

She has four faces or aspects: Maiden, Warrior, Mother, and Crone. In every face, her eyes are compared to the starry night sky--the origin of her most common name, the Star-Eyed.   She is also mentioned to have provided (and quite possibly created) the first Companions to the first King of Valdemar, and as such, has a strong connection to the Companions. To a lesser extent, the eyes of Companions resemble her eyes.


Contacts & Relations

She is known to have a male companion, who is called "Hunter, Guardian, Rover, Guide."
Divine Classification

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