Karathanelan - deceased

Prince Karathanelan Jadrevalyn was the second son of King Megrarthon of Rethwellan. He was a spoiled and vicious young man, often taunting his younger brother Darenthallis into losing his temper. Karathanelan went to Valdemar, where he changed his nickname from 'Thanel' to 'Karath.'   In Valdemar, Prince Karathanelan decided if he couldn't be King of Rethwellan, he would be King of Valdemar. One of the Valdemaran lords, equipped with secrets Selenay had confided, hired a womanizer, actor Norris Lettyn, to teach Karathanelan how to seduce her. Only weeks after they met, they were engaged, and married within a month.   Karathanelan grew impatient and angry with Selenay because he didn't understand why she wouldn't make him King instead of Consort. After she kept insisting that he must be Chosen, Karathanelan tried to force a Companion to Chose him. He "captured" Selenay's Companion Caryo, and she bit him on the arm.   He fought with Selenay and began cavorting with prostitutes in town, until his patron Valdemaran lord's representative reined him in. His reconciliation with her was facilitated by news of the death of his father, King Megrarthon - a loss she could understand. The news chilled Herald-Weaponsmaster Alberich, who realized that when the new King of Rethwellan shut Karath out of their father's funeral, he had no other place to go.   Selenay was already pregnant with Elspeth, which presented a new opportunity: the potential for a Regency. Not willing to wait until after Elspeth was born, Karathanelan decided to kidnap Selenay and force her to abdicate in Elspeth's favor, making him her regent. However, his attack was thwarted by Selenay's brother, Sendar, and his wife, Kayla being able to stall the ambushers until Alberich's vision led a group of reinforcements to the attack. He was killed when Alberich rode to the rescue with a bunch of trainees. Selenay officially declared Karathanelan a traitor to the crown and no one really mourned his death.
1356 AF 1378 AF 22 years old
Pale blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations