Kraken - Juvenile

Krakens are large, typically ocean-dwelling magical beasts. Krakens are feared across the known world. They are creatures from the elemental plane of water that dwell in the Material Plane within the depths of the ocean and come to the surface to prey upon ships and their crews. Sometime towards the end of the Mage Wars, Ma'ar apparently had summoned a young one for unknown purposes, leaving it trapped within a large watery expanse at the bottom of his sanctum.   They are akin to squids except larger in size, with a body almost 30 feet long. They have a similar body, with a ring of tentacles surrounding a mouth connected to a conical central body. Two of its ten tentacles were longer than the rest and had deadly barbs. The kraken has very large eyes, and fins protrude from the upper part of its elongated central body. From reports of the far sea regions, full grown krakens had tentacles that can crush the hull of a galleon and range to about 100 feet in length and weighing around 4,000 pounds.   Krakens are highly intelligent, destructive, and evil creatures. With their strong tentacles and massive strength, they can pull an entire ship down into the ocean. They have completely wiped tropical islands of all life, and deep beneath the ocean, they are known to have cavernous lairs where they bred slaves to feed and tend them.   Krakens attack predominantly with their tentacles. They can both constrict opponents and bring them into the reach of the creature's huge jaws. In addition, krakens can also release an enormous cloud of jet-black ink, regenerate severed limbs, and even cast spells, including a devastating electrical attack.