Kraken Priestess

Kraken priestesses are devout evil servitors of krakens, who worship them like gods and are imbued by them with powers.   When one became a kraken priestess, their body underwent a minor physical transformation that reflected the influence of a kraken, though the nature of this varied for each priestess. Features included eyes as black as ink, a featureless face, a suckered tentacle for a tongue, eyes covering the body, or mouths covering the body that dribbled seawater. They also gained the ability to breathe water and swim with some expertise.   If on the same plane of existence, a kraken can read the thoughts of its priestess and even take control of their mind, using them as a mouthpiece for their own words. When this possession occurred, the physical manifestations of their reverence would intensify. And when they spoke it was thunderous, audible out to 300 feet, and struck fear into creatures of the kraken's choice.   Kraken priests could innately cast a number of spells, owing to the power imbued in them by krakens.