
(a.k.a. Mage of the Dark Flames)

The Kiyamvir Ma'ar, the Mage of Dark Flames, was a powerful archmage of ancient times who fought against Urtho, the Mage of Silence, in the Mage Wars.   Ma'ar was a creator who designed many beasts from scratch, albeit focusing more on strength than grace in those creatures.   He climbed to power in Predain in the years immediately preceding his conflict with Urtho. He served as Prime Minister where he became known for his distain for those he called "inferior races." Upon the King's death, he crowned himself ruler. Spending the first year of his reign uniting the warring tribes of the North. Following the unification, he began official persecution of "undesirables," first enacting restrictions, then deportations, and later having them taken away never to be seen again. At least not in any recognizable form. He also continued eliminating any opposition to war with neighboring lands.
Ma'ar successfully conquered many nations before reaching the border of Tantara and Urtho's forces that had been marshalled against him. At the end, when Skandranon delivered the ultimate weapon to Ma'ar's fortress keep, Ma'ar shocked them by killing himself, saying he would live on.
One fragment of a personal account written at the time spoke of him thusly:
"He had not been born a handsome man, but over the years he had sculpted his body into the image of a young god. His square-jawed face, with precisely chiseled cheekbones and sensuous mouth, framed by a curtain of hair with the sheen of a raven's wing, topped a body that would be the envy of any warrior in his ranks. All that remained of the old Ma'ar were the eyes; small, shrewd, and of an odd yellow-green."
Date of Birth
Date of Death
2000 BF
Circumstances of Death
Apparent suicide
Waist length, raven-black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

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