Prince Sendar - deceased

Sendar, son of King Tyrdel and Lady Amantha, and Chosen of Jerith, was the younger brother to Selenay. Husband to Princess Kayla of Tymyrr, and father to Seraphina, he served as a close advisor Knight to his older sister.   Sendar idolized his elder sister while they were growing up and eagerly followed her around the palace and training grounds after she had been Chosen. When he was of age, he was also Chosen by the wolf Companion, Jerith, and began his studies at the Collegium. Since he was not the heir, he was able to complete a normal field internship, traveling the length and breadth of Valdemar. This was helpful for providing a perspective on the actual conditions of the kingdom and when he returned to take up a role as advisor to Selenay, he had matured greatly and was able to provide measured advise and pertinent information on the people of the kingdom.   After their father died in the Tedrel war and Selenay assumed the throne, Sendar worried for her state of mind, having long been a confidant in her worries of ruling. As ambassadors from neighboring nations arrived post-coronation, Sendar was immediately suspicious of the young prince from Rethwellan, Karathanelan, who seemed far too interested in Selenay and far too flirtatious for an ambassador. Selenay brushed aside his concerns, too enamored with the prince who seemed to share her understanding on the burden of ruling. After arguing with her several times, Selenay forbade him from her chambers and council.    Unable to do anything but watch, Sendar nonetheless kept as close an eye on both Selenay and Karathanelan as possible. When Selenay announced that she was hosting a royal masque to signify the end of the year of mourning King Tyrdel, he attended, still keeping to the sidelines away from his sister. It was here that he met and found himself lifebonded to the newly arrived Princess Kayla, the envoy from Taymyrr. Finding they had much in common growing up as the second children of their respective royal houses, the pair quickly bonded in friendship as well as the lifebond. Arrangements were quickly made to marry as they received blessings from both Selenay, who was herself lovestruck with Karathanelan, and the rulers of Tymyrr, Queen Rexa and Consort Trelvan. As a wedding present and peace offering, Selenay presented the couple with a duchy in the south-western region of Valdemar that had fallen vacant.   Kayla found herself pregnant shortly after the wedding and gave birth to a daughter who they named Seraphina. Splitting time between the duchy and Haven, Sendar began repairing the relationship between him and Selenay, particularly as the tensions between her and Karathanelan began to deteriorate. After about a year after Seraphina had been born, Selenay and Karathanelan has a large public fight because she would not name him Co-Regent despite being told many times that by Valdemaran law, regents must be Chosen. Compounding the anger and frustration was the fact that Selenay had recently found she was pregnant as well.   To help his sister calm down and get away from the gossips at court, Sendar suggested they go for a picnic at the Home Farms just to have a breather. She agreed and Sendar sent for Kayla to join them, leaving Seraphina to be cared for by the nanny. The three set out for a ride outside of the palace but were ambushed by Karathanelan and his court followers. The three royals, all well trained fighters, held the assassins off for enough time for reinforcements led by Alberich to arrive, but unfortunately, Sendar and Kayla both had suffered mortal wounds in doing so.    Bereft of her brother and his wife, who had become a close friend, Selenay quickly labeled Karathanelan and his group as traitors to the crown and any that were still alive were summarily executed. Selenay then had her niece, Seraphina, brought into her household and raised her alongside the daughter she would give birth to later in the winter, Elspeth.
1359 AF 1379 AF 20 years old
Light blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization