Princess Kayla - deceased

Kayla was the second-born daughter of Queen Rexa and Consort Trelvan. She had an elder sister, Kera, who was studying statecraft under their mother. Kayla was a kind soul but known to have a sharp tongue at times.   Kayla was a gifted healer and always showed an aptitude for natural magics. Since Taymyrr's history had long included the training of all members of the kingdom in tactics and fighting, Kayla was also trained to develop not only her fighting skills but her magical abilities as well.   When she was seventeen, notice of Selenay's ascension to the Valdemaran throne was received. Several of the Taymyrr mercenary companies had fought under Valdemar's banners during the Tedral Wars and so a special invitation to attend the end-of-mourning masque was issued to the royal household. Kayla was determined to be the best one to send as their representative to the court event.   As she made the rounds during the masque, she spotted a tall blond man watching the queen and the people surrounding her with particular intensity. Somewhat suspicious, she approached and got the man's attention. When they locked eyes, they both started in surprise as an instant bond seemed to spring up between them. Kayla, having come simply to reiterate Taymyrr's support of Valdemar, found herself lifebonded to Prince Sendar, the younger brother of the queen.   Intrigued, and somewhat amused at the situation, Kayla spent time with Sendar and found that they had much in common. The two quickly developed a friendship on top of the lifebond and when Sendar asked her to wed, she happily agreed. When permission was received from Selenay and her own parents, the marriage was quickly arranged and kept fairly small. Selenay granted the new couple a duchy in the south-western region of Valdemar. Kayla found herself pregnant shortly after the wedding and gave birth  in the summer to a daughter they named Seraphina.   Traveling with her husband between their duchy and Haven, Kayla quickly grew to love the people and culture of Valdemar. As tensions rose between Selenay and her husband, Karathanelan, Kayla found that she became a trusted ear for Selenay to vent her frustrations into, particularly when she brought Serephina along to play with her aunt. After a particularly nasty fight between Selenay and Karathanelan, Kayla was requested by Sendar to join him and Selenay on a picnic at the Home Farms, just to get Selenay away from the palace for a bit. Agreeing, she left Serephina in the care of the nanny and went.   However, once outside the palace environs, the three were set upon by Karathanelan and his court followers. Utilizing her fighting skills and magical abilities, Kayla fought alongside Sendar and Selenay to protect the queen. Unfortunately, just before reinforcements arrived, Kayla and Sendar were both dealt mortal blows.   Bereft of her brother and his wife, Selenay quickly labeled Karathanelan and his group as traitors to the crown and any that were still alive were summarily executed. Selenay then had her niece, Seraphina, brought into her household and raised her alongside the daughter she would give birth to later in the winter, Elspeth.   Queen Rexa and Consort Trelvan were devastated to learn of their daughter's death but agreed in the end that Serephina should grow up in the Valdemaran court.
1360 AF 1379 AF 19 years old
Cobalt with black horns that faded to white at the tips
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale blue
Aligned Organization
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