Session 21

General Summary

With supplies gathered and preparations complete, the group finally sets off on the journey to the northern reaches of Valdemar and into the Icespine Mountains. Deciding a travel wagon would make for more comfortable travel, at least on the trek to the border, the road passes mostly uneventful as the autumn breeze blows through, the chill in the air becoming more apparent the closer they drew to the border region.   Just prior to the final leg of the trip, there was an ambush sprung by some rather short-sighted bugbear bandits that had been keeping an eye on the road for potential traders coming through and a quick score. With Whisper, Seraphina, and Belamin riding inside the wagon, the bandits severely underestimated the forces that would be rallied against their attack. Though one of the horses pulling the wagon had a close call, injuries were minimal and the fight over quickly.   Reaching the northern outpost, Northgate, the group made arrangements with the guards stationed there to stable the horses and keep the wagon until their return from the mountains. Taking a last rest in the safety of the Valdemaran fort, the group, led by the eager Bjorn, begins the long walk into the mountains.   Bjorn, back on familiar ground, easily led the group through the passes and hidden trails of the region, occasionally blowing into a horn and listening for responses. When the group reaching the Dragon Tooth, a landmark on the southern edge of the range where Bjorn had messaged his tribe to meet, there was some mild concern that the area remained empty and still receiving no responses from his calls.   Pushing further on, heading towards the tribe's seasonal grounds for this time of year, a strange marker appeared in what should have been a clear field of snow-dusted grasses. From a distance, it appeared to be a strangling angled stone outcropping but as they drew close, Bjorn particular concerned as he knew that there should be nothing of the sort located here, it was revealed to be the prow of a ship sticking up at an odd angle, glinting with ice crystals that had formed all over the broken hull. Investigating closer, Casimir recognized the name still evident on the side, "The Bolt From The Blue," a ship he had spent some less-than-savory time aboard when still sailing the Fury Sea far to the southern area of the continent.   As the group pondered what this could possibly mean and how it had possibly gotten there in the state it was in, sharp ears heard the sound of shattering ice and ominous groaning begin to come from the unseen reaches of the ship.
Report Date
15 Apr 2023
Primary Location