Session 23

General Summary

After dealing with the aftermath remains at the Ghost Cat Clan settlement, the group was approached by Tebu of the Raven Clan who invited the Knights to the Raven Clan stronghold where he felt more secure to talk and update Bjorn in particular about the recent raids orchestrated by the Blood Bear Clan. Tebu led the group part of the way, answering some general questions put to him but refusing to go into more detail regarding the clan issues and after showing Bjorn the clan markers that would lead them to the viable path to the Clan settlement, Tebu took to the skies again to advise his clan of the incoming group.   Successfully following the trail markers through the path that led back into a different section of the nearby mountain range, the group eventually found themselves squeezing through a clever fold of stone where a wooden platform awaited. Attached to it were thick, heavy ropes that stretched upwards into the darkness. Tebu, having rejoined the group at the entrance, sent an echoing call up the shaft as the party climbed aboard the platform. The platform rose slowly through the dark shaft but eventually came to a stop at a ascending stairway. Tebu led everyone off the platform and up through the winding stairs, finally exiting in the bright light of the afternoon sun high on the mountain.   Laid out in front of the group was a unique clan settlement nestled in a dipped plateau near the peak of the overhanging mountain. One area had three large circular structures with young of various ages moving around while another area had a cluster of larger houses and adult men and women engaged in their daily activities. Between the two was the recognizable shapes of several totem poles, all crowned with the stylized raven associated with the clan. While the buildings themselves had been painted with the familiar art of the Icespine, several in the group noticed that the awnings also had a multitude of hanging ornaments; the majority of them constructed with brightly colored stones or gems that caught the light and cascaded rainbows of colors on the walls and ground around.   After Tebu greeted the guards on duty near the tunnel-stair entrance, Cas made particular note that several of the clan appeared human at first glance, but all seemed to have some sort of feathering evident on their persons; whether some small feathers along their cheeks or longer one on their exposed arms, the mark of the Raven was unmistakable. Tebu guided the Knights and Companions to a large, abstractly decorated dwelling structure and advised that it was theirs to use during their stay with the clan. He let them know that there was a feast planned and after the sharing of salt, they would be free to talk in more detail about the happenings in the Icespine before taking his leave.   Taking some time to rest after the events of the day thus far, the group settles into the guest house to await the summons to the feast. Bjorn takes the opportunity to go and pay respects at the family totems in the center of the village and notes that there seems to be further dwellings carved into the mountain along various switch-back trails, denoted by the family totems painted as borders outside the entrances. Returning to the group, the sun sets and a young woman who introduces herself as Raeka appears at the guest house entrance and bids them to follow her to the feast. As they do so, the group is led to a large area beyond the totems in the center of the village and see several fire pits and seatings filling the area.     As they join with Tebu and another man, dressed in a feathered headdress, at one of the fires, Tebu stands and his voice booms out over the gathered clan members as he introduces the Knights and their guardian spirits as honored guests and allies to the Raven Clan. Raeka hands him a large bowl of salt that he uses to sprinkle his food platter with before passing it to Bjorn, who does the same before passing it along to the rest of the group. As the salt bowl returns to Tebu, he nods and the rest of the clan members turn to their own fire groups, chatter and laughter filling the night air as the Knights are accepted by the clan.   As the food is consumed and an uncomfortable silence fills the area around the group's fire, the headdress wearing individual looks up and finally laughs, quipping about awkward social situations. Tebu sighs but relaxes, introducing the man as the White Crow (clan shaman) Ritat, who removes his headdress, revealing an elderly, mid-60s human man with some of the feathering common in Raven Clan members evident, but noticeably with pure white hair and feathers, and blue eyes, instead of the more common overall black coloring.  Bjorn asks for the news regarding the attack on the Ghost Cat and Tebu's cryptic comment about members of the raiding party being identified as Black Bear Clan.   Tebu hesitates for a brief moment, but relays that one of their scouts had seen the movement of far too many people in the Ghost Cat region several days ago. When the scout investigated, it was already too late as the settlement was under active attack. He stayed long enough to identify the attackers as Blood Bear, Wolverine, and Black Bear. Worrisomely, the scout had reported back that there were members among the raiding party who were "like-Chosen, but not" and unable to give a better description than that. Ritat relayed that during the Summer Gathering, there had been rumors circulating among the gathered clans that Blood Bear had been specifically making alliances with aggressive clans, like Wolverine, but this had been their first confirmed sighting. Additionally, the rumors stated that Blood Bear was actively hunting smaller clans, killing their shamans, capturing their warriors, women, and children while killing the elderly, injured, or sick. Apparently a new tactic of taking the leadership of the clan into bondage to keep the captured clan members in line was a further development.    Bjorn, understandably, grew quite upset at the news. Having some further information to share, but wanting privacy to do so, Ritat offered his dwelling as a private spot to talk further. Tebu and the rest of the Knights followed and when separated from the rest of the clan, Bjorn explained that his father had long been using a particularly nasty blood rite to extend and revitalize his lifeforce. In the children he sired that showed favor or promise of the bear totems, he would have them go through a particularly painful ritual, with varying results. Bjorn explained that he was a mix of Black Bear and Blood Bear clans and was known as Rimefrost to the Blood Bear, but he had no loyalty or ties other than his father to the clan. His elder brother had failed in his trial and succumbed to the overwhelming spirit of the bear, losing his sense of self while Bjorn was able to overcome the trial though he was left with the parasitically attached bear skull on his shoulder as a constant reminder.    Tebu and Ritat acknowledged the horror of the situation and that Blood Bear must be stopped. The clan itself was not one of the fighting clans, preferring to keep to their high regions and had few warriors but were willing to do what they could and offered to pass along any information that they did get that would be of any help towards stopping the menace. Ritat shared that they had also been hearing news from various tribes of a wasting sickness that had been spreading that would cause a shortness of breath followed by a paralysis after a period of time. The clan shamans had sent messages asking for help or advice as their usual remedies and methods seemed to be ineffective against the sickness. Hearing the symptoms, Cas was reminded of a sickness that he had heard of from his time on the Southern Continent but didn't recall the specifics or how it was treated.   Knowing time was becoming more of an issue with raiding parties extending this far south, the group bids the Raven Clan leaders goodnight and manage to get some rest back in the guest house, planning to continue the next day. Bjorn suggested heading towards the Red Fox clan that was a few days north-east to see if the raiding parties had extended that far and, if not, perhaps be in a better position to deal with the aggressors that were likely to be coming for the small clan.    By dawn, Bjorn was awake and hurrying the group along, tension evident in his bearing. After bidding farewell to the Raven Clan and being escorted to the lowering platform, the group heard Tebu give his cry again before the platform began its slow descent into the depths of the mountain crevasse.  Back-tracking quickly to the Ghost Cat settlement, Bjorn reorients himself towards where the Red Fox Clan was known to make their camps and starts off, the other Knights trailing behind him as the snow begins to fall. Luckily, taking the path through the trees kept the heaviest of the snow off of them, but shortly past midday, the tree line broke to reveal a large open area between the trees with snow and wind obscuring the area. The group prepared itself to face the open elements as a particularly strong gust swept the cold through to their bones.
Report Date
02 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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