Session 24

General Summary

Pushing forward and leaving the forested domain claimed by the Ghost Cat Clan, Bjorn leads the party further into the icy wilderness of the Icespine. The open area past the trees offers no shelter against the snowy blizzard that descends upon the region. Bracing themselves as best they can, the party follows the rough trail through the deepening snow as the large form of Bjorn and Kenelm head across the seemingly featureless plain.   Utilizing his survival skills, Bjorn is able to keep his heading despite the worsening conditions and extremely low visibility. The group was able to make fairly good time crossing the expanse and was only halted when Bjorn felt the ground give slightly and a tell-tale cracking that indicated softer ice under the piled snow. As he stepped back, signalling to the rest of the Knights and Companions of the danger, an eerie howl rose on the wind and the party drew closer together as snowy drifts around them rose, revealing the winter worlves that had them surrounded.   A fierce battle between the pack of winter wolves and the Knights ensued, the pack leader looking on and steering his packmates as they harried the Knights. As the fight progressed, clever and painful attacks being made on both sides, the unmistakeable sound of cracking ice shuddered through the air. Recognizing the imminent danger, the winter wolves break off their attack and attempt to flee as a huge harpoon spears out from under the ice and slams into a wolf still close to the cracking ice. The pierced wolf manages to brace itself against the pull on the harpoon's chain but is unable to escape with the rest of its packmates.   Unwililng to just let the wolves run off so easy, Belamin pursues the packlaeder into the swirling snow as the Knights look on in growing concern as a huge figure rises from under the ice; a frost giant, dripping with the artic water with clouds of vapor rising off his form as the liquid begins to crystalize in the freezing air. While the majority of the Knights pulled away, putting distance between themselves and the raging giant, Bjorn attempted to communicate with the figure. Though Bjorn got the sense that the giant definitely understood him, it very clearly made it understoof that it would not be engaging in any conversation with those he considered lesser as it swung its giant axe around towards Bjorn. Bjorn, in response, lunged forward, trading blows with the looming figure.   Belamin's determination pays off as he is able to successfully follow and take down the pack leader of the winter wolves before making his way back to the rest of the party that had stayed behind to assist Bjorn in fighting against the frost giant. After a relatively quick, but fierce battle, the giant is felled and the surviving winter wolves vanished into the swirling snows. Quickly checking for anything useful, the party finds some odds and ends on the giant's body as well as taking some of the luxurious tails from the winter wolf corpses. With Casimir's assistance, Belamin retraced his steps to the pack leader where they quickly skinned it, rolling the fur up and stashing it until it could be properly treated later.   Not wanting to rest next to the remains in case of further predetors and potential ambushes in the open plain, the party pressed on once Bjorn had reorientated himself. The storm began to lessen as the hours passed and the pale sun made a brief appearance as the clouds lessened before it slipped behind the stony slopes of hte mountains. In the fading light, Bjorn was just able to spot the darker edge of the forest's border before the dusk's light completely faded into darkness.
Report Date
10 Sep 2023
Primary Location